Ask her this question, and this question only. “Who art thou, daughter of Eve? Art thee the angle with who I shall build up my kingdom and domains? Art thou not the soft touch of an Autumn day, the soft silk of a lamb? Art thou not marrow within I shall fill my bones, yea, even my structure? At thou the nutrients to my strength? Art thou the one, gentle and kind, yet tamed, but unrestrained? Art thou the beholder of all nature? The mourning dove upon my shoulder you whisper comfort? Art thou the mighty rider of mine horse, yea, my wild and free bearing soul? Legman answer you this, yea, thou art both a leader and a follower, a find an ally, but art thou prepared for more?”
Bro if you read all that, great.
But actually, if you’re over 15: fire away hotshot make your claim to a fair maiden or stripling warrior. Under 15: sit the heck down and enjoy your apples and peaches and all manner of fruit while you can.