so this is the finale of my fnf mod, Rotissemix
at the beginning of the mod, after Satori (main player character) lands in some freaky alternate dimension, Supreme R (guy in the first image) tells her that if she wants to leave, she simply has to defeat the multi-spirited beast (Double Soul) in three songs and then kill him
she fails this, as Double Soul befriends her and she befriends him, and then uses a nearby dark fountain (the mod is heavily based off of my Deltarune AU, Rotisserune) to go to the different areas which contain all the bonus songs and stuff
however, Supreme R finds her, because he's the god of this world, and since she broke their deal, he must destroy her mercilessly (...after a song, of course)
she teams up with Lian to face Supreme R in the finale (where, unless you meet the requirements to get the secret good ending, Lian dies and Satori dies shortly after)
the bottom two images are DARKNER and the Legend Trio, they're distractions to occupy Satori while Lian is killed