“Now that the poison curse works for me, I am free!” The creature roared. “I am Poisalamandr! I will rip your organs out!”
Hoplash, Coaliz, and Sapliz went on the offensive. Vines grew out of the ground, tangling the feet of Poisalamandr. Coaliz released fire, burning Poisalamandr’s skin, and hit the giant with his tail. Hoplash kicked Poisalamandr and slapped it with his tail. Poisalamandr swung its tail, knocking back Sapliz and Coaliz.
Hoplash dodges with ease, but slips, and gets pinned down. Poisalamandr holds one of its spines to Hoplash’s non-existent neck, and hisses a few hateful words.
“I was once like you. But THEY cursed me. And now I’m a monster. But you know? I’m fine with that. Because now, I’m not helpless. But you still are. Would you like release from your stupid state of helplessness?”
Hoplash struggles against Poisalamandr’s grip, and protests: “I’m not helpless! I can care for myself and others. I may not be able to beat you now, but I can become stronger!”
Hoplash glows with a bright blue color, his silhouette growing taller, slimmer, with longer limbs. He gained a knife, and a mask.
*epic anime battle music in background*
Hoplash, in his new form rushes at Poisalamandr, slashing, dodging, and blocking. Poisalamandr can’t keep up with his attacks, and as its life flashes before its eyes, it asks a final question: “What are you?”
Hoplash stares it dead in the eye. “I’m https://i.imgflip.com/8d1dbs.jpg , but you can call me Knifrog.” And he delivers the final blow.