there's also constant assholes camping me everywhere I go, they also make it that the guns that are actually good guns are locked behind overpriced purchases and way too much grinding (or leveling up) for the good guns(Who the F uck wants to have to kill 2500 sweats who want to ruin the game for everybody just for a AK47 or Tommy Gun?!), Thats why when TimeZone is a game. the only thing that needs to be like unlocked is the gold camos, which are acquired from beating the game. if you beat it on realism once. you get all of them. also, another only thing that needs to be acquired is cosmetics for the characters. for example. want to change Ms Katsons oversized Fedora to a Stalheim(the WW2 German helmet)? GO AHEAD!
NOTE:to acquire cosmetics. they are acquired from secrets found in the maps and the campaign. 80% of them will be in the single player. they are also can be received from achievements as well. for example. do you want Cally Katson to wear Jades clothes? beat the game on realism and you will be rewarded, just dont die and beat the game in one go.