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A boy asked me why my pickup didn't have four doors, a lift kit, wheel
extenders, a loud exhaust, and mudder tires; and why it's not driven around with the gas pedal all the way down,
like all the other pickups out here; I said, "Son, you just answered
your own question." | image tagged in memes,pickup trucks,goobers | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
87 views Made by bbbadboy 12 months ago in fun
Created with the Imgflip Meme Generator
  • hqdefault (9).jpg
  • MV5BYjA3MTdiY2QtNWI0ZS00N2IyLThmMTctMzA1ZTQ4ZjkwZDgzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTE0MzQwMjgz._V1_QL75_UY281_C...
    A boy asked me why my pickup didn't have four doors, a lift kit, wheel extenders, a loud exhaust, and mudder tires; and why it's not driven around with the gas pedal all the way down, like all the other pickups out here; I said, "Son, you just answered your own question."