A day in a life of toddlerBillBones; oK GuYs Its iS TimE ThAT I PoSt My BeSTt MemSSS In ThEE EntIRE WORLD!!! AnD HAvE S*X With My GaY BoYFRiend What_Are_YOu, YeS IM THE BEST IMGFLIP USER ON THE wRolD AnD PeOPLE WILL JOIN THE AlerBIllBones TEAM,YES THEY WILL ALL SUPPORT ME YES Im gthye Best In the world, Peolpe Will Give me upvotesa and if they dont They GeT SeNT In My BAsment And WiLl ChooosA Death Yes IMf The best YEss!! LIKE BRO STFU TODDLERBILLBONES YOUR NOT EVEN FUNNY YOUR CRINGE + UNDERAGED USER + L +RATIO