With the things you've done to me? The evil you've spread? The hopes and dreams you kill all in the name of your little self-concisiousness. I hope there is a reality where you were never a dick and actually tried to be with me instead of using me for your little games and fetishes. I think your last boyfriend made the excuse of "coming out and getting in trouble" to get away from you.
I don't have ptsd and what I deserved is none of your business. You smell of evil, a stench that will never be wiped from my mind, like a childhood friend's house or that playground you went to.
She had a fat and inflation fetish and said my piss fetish was ok and I could do it and then blabbed about it behind my back and that's the only reason anyone knows.
How piss is more common than inflation and fat + she leaked. What if I went through all your fetishes and leaked then hm? All of your browser history deleted and existing.