Well Not Only That, I Even Saw M I D S H I T Made a Post About Him Killing the Characters of "TwoKinds" Which Honestly Ruined My Enjoyment of the Web-Series as Well.
and I Still Hope He Doesn't Kill More Innocent Characters. Especially Chikn Nuggit.
I’m not trying to be disrespectful (and I’m sorry if I hurt you in anyway) but uhh Where’s the evidence of animevac “causing suicide of 6 people, including my brother”? it sounds like another lie just to make the anti furries look like terrorists
To the Bite Back Stream, From Batim1234567890; hello, I´m just a regular guy but I have found this stream. and I know exactly a anti furry you should be after. Animevac. hes ruined my life on imgflip. hes a supporter for mepios, a online bully whos caused the suicides of 6 people, including my brother. hes murdered my own characters as well, hes a terrible person. and the IRC and Justacheemsdoge stream can use your help. Sincerely, Batim1234567890