it all started with me simply wondering ¨how do I make a meme?¨ in Then I stumbled upon this site in 2022. it started out in January of 2023 with this very first post I was trying to get popular. I thought it was all about being famous till Iceu gave me that advice that has stuck to me for almost a year when I made a meme saying all does is hog up the views. so I worked hard. then I had a post blow up when I used my friend and I´s artwork for this meme it had two characters of mine, Flynn and his daughter Cally, then this meme here was the first one to get one thousand views. it shocked me. Then I posted about my favorite character Jade(from Arctic Dogs) for the first time and it got a fair amount of views. I then realized that I just need to take it slow and easy. and then I mentioned a tragedy that happened to me once. it blew up and people were mad about the person who killed my friend(a few months later I found out the person wasnt a furry at all), then I made a Anti-Furry meme that I now regret making(because of something Ill mention later in this history lesson of myself) that was originally my most viewed meme of all time. then I posted about my other favorite character known as LT Fox Vixen with this post talking about protecting our childhoods. I was starting to become a likable user on the site! then I started posting my artwork. starting simply with this art of Lt Fox Vixen. I was starting to get some followers! but then my life on imgflip started to become a life in hell when I met a underage zoophile named Mixed. I then made this post to recruit people to help fight against him . then I joined a stream named Co-optoendzoophiles where I would become a moderator of the stream. one month later mixed gives up and quits imgflip. then I dealt with Animevac. who has ruined my life and caused my brother to commit suicide by having a person hes obsessed with named Mepios murder my brothers favorite character. all because I told him that Mepios would lose easily to Doomguy,Marcus Fenix and one of my characters. but oh, Animevac would then post Mepios killing one of my characters. which was Cally Katson, it broke my heart to hard and I made this post.