i never said that disabilities were physical only, i said that i dont support people complaining about issues that 25% of people nowadays already have. and i understand you cant remove them, but if your 15 and living with it im pretty sure theres not a good enough reason to go online and act all sad because you saw a blade of grass you didnt like.
this one is tricky. yes they cant be compared equally because of said "different scales", but they sure as hell can be measured by how they effect a persons life. its more of a "different thing effect different people" type of thing.
EX: which is worse? tinnitus or adhd? people with both would pick one or the other based on the severity and how it affects daily life for them.
some people should find a good opportunity to find help, instead of picking the worst time possible. if they didnt want to find help they wouldnt be complaining about it would they?
if they are a minor they should be able to ask a person at school no? even if they have no friends they have a guidance counselor or a good teacher.
hell im not rich and i can still talk to people.
if someone has no-one to taalk to, but they come out about it online, they should just do it in memechat.
i get the therapy trauma one tho, trauma f**king sucks. still should be in memechat tho.
if someone takes there own life because of pixels, they should probably grow up. especially if they could avoid it in various ways.
i know what im saying makes me sound like a horrible person (probably because i am) but i still dont want anyone taking their own life. i simply think that they should be smarter about how they do seek help if they seek it at all.