.Woke up with a blister on my heel that I have to walk on the entire day (still don’t know where it came from)
. 2nd hour I was joking around with my girlfriend and trying to press the off button on her computer, when she threw my arm back and it slammed into the desk and you know the crevice between the joint of your forearm and shoulder-arm(?) it went right in the middle of that- And dude my arm was tingling up TO MY FINGERTIPS- I HIT MY DAMN ELBOW-
. Lunch my friend walked up to me and went “can I deadleg your girlfriend?” So I don’t know what that is but it doesn’t sound pleasant so I go “uhh…no-“ and she asks me “can I deadleg you?” And uh- I found out what dead-legging someone is- She used all of the f**king force in her body to nail my leg. I need to start reacting to stuff more because my only response to that was a monotone “ah.”
. 7th hour, my leg gave the hell out as I was getting up so I flopped down onto the ground asking “why the hell did my leg do that?!” Also we had to hold the pole for volleyball the entire hour so yeah my hands were red :|
. That’s about it! Kill me now, walking has been a nightmare due to the blister and what my friend did at lunch :]