Rizu: Don't be so co-
Ripley rushes towards her, and does a slash that knocks her back into the Walmart, right into the frozen corn
Rizu: Ugh.. how did he hit that hard...
Ripley rushes over, and starts punching Rizu
Ripley: Think Rizu, think, you take a dictators child, and think he wont try to kill it?
Rizu tries to stab him, but he punches the ice spear into little pieces
Ripley: What do you think you're gonna do? I know how to use these glitches to my advantage.
Rizu: H- how?
Ripley: I've had time to train against those, things, and now i'm more powerful than ever
Rizu tries to stab him in the eye with a small dagger, but he grabs it and crushes it
Ripley: I don't think so, now its time to die
He jumps back, and uses the power of his glitches to power up his Rapier
He rushes at Rizu, with his sword, but a portal appears beside them, and as Ripley slashes at her, a little white and grey furball jumps in the way, and gets slashed instead