Caramel (Phone): Ummm, Did you know something special about the animatronics? Uhh…. They’re the heroes Of the animatronics. Amy, Wing, Shadow, Cream and cheese, and uhhh…. Rouge. They’re also ever built with Advanced AI.
Caramel (Phone): After that, They’ve started taking some measures The Engineers put blocking systems on the vents which is pretty easy to access to the camera. But… Don’t Shut too many vents…. We noticed that the blocking systems seems to….
Caramel (Phone): So, In case the animatronics get in your door you can turn off the lights in your office just as you’re not too late…. They’ll think that there’s no person inside, And I… think you get the point.
Caramel (Phone): They’ve tested the animatronics on certain light conditions and it seems that they Uh…… Reboot their systems and go back to their respective places once you shine a bright light on their eyes. Uhhh… Expect for that…. other one…. So, In case if there’s an animatronic in your left vent you can just shine your light and it will go away momentarily.
Caramel (Phone): Now if you look to your right however, You’ll see a big window that window leads to our parts and service room (Where Cream is). She’s supposed to be together with Rouge The bat Animatronic, But she isn’t….