For real, like why don't they post an actual meme instead of trying to beg for upvotes? "OooOoooOh but my memes don't get much recognition and when I do try I only get 3 upvotes." Oh, well tough luck because if you upvote, the chances of your followers seeing that you upvote begged are very high, and they might make a multitude of followers unfollow you. OBVIOUSLY you can see the line on the pie chart, it's just a way to try and hide the fact they are begging for upvotes by making it "look" kind of hard. If you guys really upvote a meme that is anywhere NEAR to upvote begging, I'm sorry, but please do not continue these actions and just upvote memes you thoroughly enjoy. That's what the upvote button was for anyway, upvoting memes that are actually good.