I'll tell you this. if I say Hello Sir and you tell me you are a they or them I'm gonna still call you Sir. Now if you say you don't have a wee wee and a sac but a kitty instead I'll change it to ma'am. No exceptions.
Yeah, the way she explained it to me was liking everyone. I do understand they keep their pronouns but she's really the only friend I have, therefore only gay friend.
so what im getting is that your a homophobe(not necesarialy taking action on homophobia) but you are fine with people doing gender things (that felt wrong)
I'd much rather not talk to you at all. And it's not that personal, I just know that you're entitled if you use other pronouns than the ones you were born with
In all seriousness, if you don’t have a firm belief in life, you’re going to begin thinking that nothing is set in stone, including your gender. It’s quite sad how this happens to people.