Plot: A Prequel to TimeZone! Focuses on Smoke BurnMann during 1994(timezone takes place in 2029) in asia. hes on a task to assassinate the leader of the Pyre Empire by the SCD after betraying the Pyre Empire.
gameplay:same as before, but melee combat is much easier to perform now. and also introduces parrying melee attacks and blocking them! and melee is a bigger gameplay mechanic now.
whats new? New enemies, improved Melee Combat, Pet Companions! you can choose from a Cat,Wolf,Fox,Dog(any breed I know about),Tiger,Baby Black Bear or a Crow! All can help kill enemies if you command them to. once this DLCS out. you can also have these companions in the main game and other DLCS!
music:like mortal kombat 11 and Mortal Kombat 1. opening music is in the style of japanese instruments. and also uses violins.