Plot: five months after the events of TimeZone. the SCD find out about a bigger illegal Pornography Ring thats worse than "Jack n Joes" located in Las Vegas Nevada. So Flynn and his squad begin their assault on Las Vegas. while also with the help of civilians and of course, the SCD themselves(in timezone, all civvies are armed and will fight back if you harm them) to help destroy the illegal Porn ring.
gameplay:same as main game
music:Similar to the main game. but with more bid band like music for combat instead of the 80s action movie style music. and features the song "Short Change Hero" by The Heavy (not the TF2 character) as the opening music. the intro shows Flynn and the squad fighting the Red Kobra terrorists while making their way to las vegas.
whats new? new enemies and characters! and Flynn already has every gun he acquired in the campaign.