I am not randomly coming back after 6 weeks I didn't spend as much time on this site, for a little less than a week, because it was Thanksgiving break so I was hanging out with my family and playing EAFC 24.
Can we all please get this straight, I have never called anyone the R-word, someone else thought that I was a different person's, who did say the R-word, alt-account.
For the LAST time, your comments HINT that I say the R-word WHICH I DON'T. If you stop having your comments hint that, then I will stop accusing you of saying that I say the R-word, simple.
You think that’s original? You’ve never seen someone with a your mom joke as their username.Your username isn’t the joke though.Your birth certificate is.
I never said it was,im just saying there are users out there with usernames like that.And don’t think about going pro.The only expensive subscription your mom should be paying for is your life.