71th - 1127th Soldiers Of the Anti-Fandom Waffen-SS(Mepios' SS Helpers); 1. First Degree Murder 1167x
2. Attempted Mass Genocide 666x
3. Disturbance of Peace By Violence 104x
4. Mass Murder 301x
5. Arson 10,000x
6. R*** 998x Times
7. Infanticide 34x
8. Conspiracy 97x
9. Perjury 10x
10. Genocide 666x
11. Propassault occasioning actual bodily harm
12. Destruction 56x
13. Illegal Executions Preformed 200x
14. Trespassing
15. Hate Crimes
16. War Crimes; Half of the SS : Death Penalty
Half of the SS : 20 Years In Prison and a Lifetime War Crimiminal/S** Offender Regestery