I have a warning with this meme:
I know memes are supposed to be fun and they arent supposed to be fables, however this one does have a purpose to it.
The moment that you weigh your belief in something on the person that said it instead of the content of the message, all of science and reason weeps. Therefor you must take into account every word that one utters and weigh it in terms of logic before you come to a sound conclusion on such a matter. All that we currently speak to is Man and Man is flawed, we know not the truth of all things and should seek truth out in this manner with this in mind. That is the mission of Man, bestowed to us by the predecessors, whoever or whatever you think they may be. It is what makes us tick, and what makes us go. The search for truth. There a many areas of truth, they each answer a major question. Science, answers, "How?". Religion answers, "Why". Philosophy is a hybrid of the two, it has a unique question (and altho unique it is equal to its brothers). Philosophy answers, "How, Why?". To think that a single man or a collection of Man may hold the answers to all three of them is terrible. One must measure the reasoning of each and test it against the objective logic. However be open minded, the matter may change but the ways do not. Science, religion, and philosophy change but the vein they spurt from does not. Logic must be upheld, do not trust based on a coat or a tie, neither a role or a title but rather the content of the spirit of Mans quest that comes alive in all of us. Lest we forget this, we are doomed. Remember this and we will have treasures beyond imagination. Remember this, and do not forget.