Released on December 22, 2005, The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny is a parody song and video that took the Internet by storm. Created by Neil Cicierega under the pseudonym "Lemon Demon", with Flash animation by Shawn Vulliez, the animation showcases a fantastical, century-long battle in Tokyo, Featuring an eclectic mix of both real and fictional pop-culture icons from Saquille Oh’Neal to Batman, the video was viewed over 13 million times on Newrounds. Released on December 22, 2005, The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny is a parody song and video that took the Internet by storm. Created by Neil Cicierega under the pseudonym "Lemon Demon", with Flash animation by Shawn Vulliez, the animation showcases a fantastical, century-long battle in Tokyo, Featuring an eclectic mix of both real and fictional pop-culture icons from Saquille Oh’Neal to Batman, the video was viewed over 13 million times on Newrounds.