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Screw it, here's the entire Shattered script (in desc before I go back into a phase I don't wanna be in)

Screw it, here's the entire Shattered script (in desc before I go back into a phase I don't wanna be in) | [Scene: Green Hill, day]

[Several Flickys can be heard chirping. Sonic dashes by, collecting six Rings which were floating above the ground. In another portion of Green Hill, Big the Cat is slowly walking with Froggy on his head. Sonic speeds right by him, causing the cat to spin, and toss his fishing rod into the air..]
Big: Woah!
[Sonic dashes back to big, and stabilizes him to prevent him from falling over. Big's fishing rod lands back in his hand.]
Sonic: Sorry, Big. Sorry, Froggy. Can't chat, gotta go help our friends! [Sonic dashes off]
Big: No problem, Sonic! [Big waves in Sonic's direction. Froggy makes a croaking sound.]
[Cuts to next scene. Sonic is running through a different part of Green Hill.]
Sonic: [v.o] Home is where your friends are, as they say [Sonic winks at the viewer.], and that's Green Hill, where the best beaches, palm trees and Chili dogs, are just the tip of the iceberg. [Throughout Sonic's voiceover, the episode cuts to several short flashback clips, first of Amy, Big, Knuckles, Tails, and Birdie around a palm tree, then Amy presenting the palm tree to Sonic, then Tails flying near the tree, and lastly Sonic gazing longingly at a plate of Chili dogs held by Big.] We've saved this place a million times, from this doofus. [While Sonic says this, a clip of Tails, Knuckles and Amy riding the Tornado with Rouge following in tow is played, followed by another clip of Dr. Eggman laughing. After this, it cuts to another clip of Shadow the Hedgehog destroying a rock in Green Hill.] And then there's Shadow. It's complicated, more on him later. [Cuts to another clip of Sonic and co. standing side-by-side in Green Hill. After this clip, the episode returns to showing Sonic's present journey, dashing up the Temple Mountain in Green Hill.] The fact is, we never lose! 'Cause when you got a crew like mine, there's nothing that can stop you!
[Sonic reaches the top of the Temple Mountain, and enters the cavern entrance at the top.]
Sonic: Hey, guys! I made it!
[Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Tails are shown in the cave, prepared for battle.]
Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Tails: You're late!
[Cuts to Dr. Eggman who is deeper inside the cave.]
Dr. Eggman: Sonic!
Sonic: Eggman!
[Eggman is shown standing beside the Paradox Prism, partially embedded into the rock. Around him are Orbot, Cubot, and several Burrobots. A giant mech is also seen behind him.]
Dr. Eggman: Just in time to watch me claim the Paradox Prism and transform your disgustingly green world into something more... me. [laughs maniacally]
Sonic: [drops down to the floor of the cavern] Yawn! [Sonic's teammates rush to his side] Yep, I "yawned" you, Eggman.
Dr. Eggman: [Speaking furiously, to his Badniks] Crush them all!
[A horde of Badniks composed of Burrobots, Buzz Bombers, and giant Caterkillers charges forwards from Eggman's side of the cave. Sonic and co. rush towards the Badniks from the opposite side. Sonic destroys a burrobot with a Spin Attack, Knuckles destroys another one with a punch, Rouge flys through the air, destroying a Buzz Bomber with a kick, Amy destroys another Burrobot with her Piko Piko Hammer, and Tails uses an remote controlled laser cannon to blast a Buzz Bomber. Sonic spins around attacking other Badniks, but is bashed by a Caterkiller, causing him to drop Rings.]
Sonic: Whoa!
[Tails, while flying, catches Sonic.]
Tails: Sonic!
Sonic: Yo, Tails! [Tails, tosses Sonic, who performs a Spin Attack, and speeds towards Knuckles, who is fighting several Badniks.] Knuckles! You okay, buddy?
Knuckles: [Angry] Nothing flusters me, Sonic... [Knuckles grabs an attacking Buzz Bomber, and throws it into a wall.] ...except when you're late. [Knuckles dashes off.]
[A Caterkiller approaches Sonic from behind. Rouge comes in with a swift flying kick, and knocks it away.]
Sonic: Thanks, Rouge!
Rouge: Don't mention it. Literally. [Rouge darts off]
[Amy destroys a nearby Burrobot with her hammer. Its disembodied head starts rolling away, but she catches it. Three Flickies fly out of a hole in the head's underside. Sonic dashes over, and leans on the head.]
Sonic: Amy!
Amy: Sonic! Where have you been?
Sonic: Got a little sidetracked. [Sonic spins off up a wall, and attacks several Badniks. Amy destroys another Badnik with her hammer.]
Dr. Eggman: [Furious] Get that rock out of the ground!
[Several Burrobots attempt to drill away at the rock attacking the prism to the ground, but are unable to break it.]
Dr. Eggman: Want something done, do it yourself. [Eggman climbs into his mech.]
[Cuts back to Sonic, who spins over to Tails. They continue fighting Badniks]
Tails: Sonic, we don't know what the Prism is capable of. Be careful.
[Sonic rolls his eyes and dashes off towards Eggman.]
Amy: If Eggman wants it, it can't be good.
Sonic: Got it! [Eggman grips the prism with his mech, and begins trying to remove it.] Step away from the rock, Eggman.
Dr. Eggman: Not this time, you fool.
[As Sonic gets closer and closer to Eggman, the Prism is shown becoming looser and looser due to Eggman's efforts. Once close enough, Sonic jumps and spins towards Eggman and the Prism.]
Tails: Sonic, wait!
[Sonic is about to hit the prism, which is glowing brightly]
Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Tails: Sonic, no!
[The Paradox Prism shatters into shards, producing multicolored beams of light which blast Sonic's friends backwards. Additionally, they are all caught in the blast. Suddenly, all the light in the area is sucked into where the Paradox Prism once was, leaving the area in total darkness.]
[Opening logo plays]
[Scene change: The Void]

[An unconscious Sonic appears out of a blue rift, followed by several large shards. Multicolored energy is pulsating on Sonic's shoes. As Sonic drifts through the Void towards a bright red light, a giant astral figure resembling Eggman appears.]
Dr. Eggman: One day I'll destroy that hedgehog, and the world will be a brighter place for it, lit by neon.
[Sonic drifts towards an astral figure of Tails]
Tails: As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wingman!
[Sonic drifts towards an astral figure of Amy]
Amy: The forest is the most beautiful place on earth.
[Sonic drifts towards an astral figure of Knuckles]
Knuckles: I don't need the details, just tell me who to smash.
[Sonic drifts towards an astral figure of Rouge]
Rouge: You may not like the way I do things, but I get things done!
[Sonic continues drifting, away from the figures]
Amy: [offscreen] Hey, I may be the one who can bring everyone together, but there's only one hedgehog they'll follow into battle.
Tails: [offscreen] Heh heh! I don't need an army when I've got a friend like you, Sonic.
Dr. Eggman: [offscreen] I will rule the world, and no rodents are going to stop me.
Amy: [offscreen] We'd follow you anywhere, Sonic.
[Sonic is pulled into the red light, and the screen fades to white.]
Tails: [offscreen] Nothing could break our friendship, Sonic.
[Scene change: New Yoke City]

[In a surge of blue energy, a weakened Sonic is teleported to New Yoke City, in the middle of a street. Painfully, he rises to his feet.]
Sonic: [groans] That's a sonic boom of a headache. Wh-where am I? [Sonic begins walking through the city, but is interrupted by a vehicle with a loud horn and bright lights coming his way.] Huh? Aah! [Sonic is hit by the vehicle, but climbs up its front to reach the top.] Uh... [Sonic is interrupted by another horn, coming from a monorail-like vehicle above him. Sonic quickly ducks.] Aah! Close one. [The vehicle hits a bump, and Sonic is knocked off, landing next to a bleak-faced citizen on a moving sidewalk.] Aah! Ow! [Sonic hits the bend of the sidewalk, and falls off into the street, where he is swept around by a street sweeping robot.] Whoa, whoa, whoa! [Sonic is launched away into a wall.] Why can't I remember how I got here? Think, Sonic, think! [Sonic notices the bright energy coursing through his shoes] Whoa, what is up with my shoes? Huh. I haven't seen anything like this since I ate truck stop chili dogs. Tails? Amy? Heck, I'll even take Knuckles at this point. [Sonic walks off to confront a citizen on a moving sidewalk.] Uh, pardon me, what do you call this place? [The citizen ignores Sonic.] Are you ignoring me? You're ignoring me. Why are you ignoring me? [The citizen walks off.] Why is everyone ignoring me? [Sonic moves to a different sidewalk, and questions a different citizen.] Can anybody give me a straight answer around here? [The other citizen also ignores Sonic, then walks away.] And you're busy staring at nothing. Okay. [A loud horn suddenly sounds out. Sonic covers his ears to block out the noise.] Huh? [The source of the horn is revealed to be a floating circular device with text displaying on it. Sonic reads off the text.] "Welcome to New Yoke City. You're welcome." Never heard of it. Has to be far from home. [Denizen 1998 quietly walks past Sonic and stands next to him, while the hedgehog is distracted observing the city.] Where are the mountains, the beaches, the palm trees? [Sonic notices Denizen 1998 with Froggy] Big! Froggy! [Sonic hugs Denizen 1998.]
Denizen 1998: [Surprised] Whoa! Uh...! [A video camera is shown watching the situation.]
Sonic: Am I glad to see familiar faces! I thought I was losing my rings, you know what I mean? [Confused] What is going on here? Are you wearing pants? [A spotlight suddenly appears on them. Denizen 1998 puts his hands up, while Sonic looks up to see what is going on.]
Security Drone: Unidentified citizen. Alert! Alert! [The Security Drone plays a siren.]
[Denizen 1998 and the other nearby citizens flee from Sonic.]
Sonic: Big! Don't go!
[Several Eggforcers drop down from above.]
Eggforcer: You are in violation of city ordinance 27 B/6.
Sonic: Sorry, I don't speak robot.
Eggforcer: By the authority of the Chaos Council, stand down or be disassembled. [The robot arms its two cannons]
Sonic: "Chaos Council"? Sounds important. Give me directions, and I'll take it from there. [Two more Eggforcers arrive behind Sonic, who attempts to dash off. However, Sonic initially finds himself unable to run, before his energized shoes suddenly cause him to blast away at incredible speed, leaving a trail of energy in his wake.] Wha...? Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa! [Sonic dashes through the city, and into an alleyway. His shoes start slipping.] Woah, woah! What's up with my shoes? [Sonic slams into a wall, and picks himself up.] Ugh! I'm not used to all these walls. [Sonic looks around himself] And where are my Rings? [Two Eggforcers approach Sonic, and begin firing laser blasts. Sonic defeats them both with a jumping Spin Attack, although no Flickies emerge.] Robots without Flickies? Now, that's new. [More Eggforcers arrive and shoot lasers, narrowly missing Sonic. Sonic dashes off again, but is blocked by a transport vehicle.] Whoa! [Sonic takes a sharp turn, causing some of the Eggforcers to slam into the vehicle.] Wha...! [Sonic dodges another vehicle, but begins slipping towards another one, which quickly approaches.] Whaah! No, no, no, no, no, no! [Sonic slides inter the vehicle, and continues running while avoiding lasers.] This is not. Working! I gotta get off the ground! [Sonic takes a running jump off a vehicle and grabs onto the underside of a monorail. It brings him to the top of a building, with the Eggforces still in pursuit firing lasers. Sonic barely dodges them.] Whoa! Aah! Uhh...! [Sonic notices a giant machine lowering a new floor onto a building. He jumps off the monorail, and lands on the building, with the new floor lowering above him. His shoes start slipping again. The Eggforcers follow Sonic, chasing him to the edge of the building. Sonic dodges laser fire, and jumps off just before the new floor is added, crushing the Eggforcers.] [Screams] [Sonic is thrown from the building by the explosion, and he performs a Spin Attack to land safely on the streets. A camera watches him.]
[Cuts to a lab, where Rusty Rose is watching Sonic through the camera in real-time.]
Sonic: [on screen] Smog, concrete, evil robots. It's like everything I hate all in one place!
[Cuts back to directly showing Sonic]
Sonic: [confused] Where am I? [Sonic gasps upon seeing a wall with a checkered texture similar to the soil of Green Hill.] Oh, no! [Sonic dashes off through the city and up a tall building, in a panicked fashion.] Please be wrong. Please be wrong! [Upon reaching the top, Sonic jumps and spins, launching himself in the air, and allowing him a view of the city. Sonic looks down to see a checkered loop-de-loop.] The Loop-de-Loop... [Sonic remembers a similar loop from Green Hill, before darting his eyes to another part of the city.] Hedgehog's Pass... [Sonic is showing thinking of Hedgehog's Pass in Green Hill. His gaze then shifts to a small building, with Sentry Drones heading towards it.] and that should be Tails' lab! [An image of Tails' Lab in Green Hill flashes on the screen. Sonic begins falling.] Aw, Tails, what happened?
[Scene change, Green Hill, day, past. Text appears reading "Before PRISM Shatter". Tails is flying the Tornado through the area.]

[Cuts to Sonic fighting the Eggcrusher on a cliff. Several Buzz Bombers fly past.]
Sonic: Come on, Egghead, show me what you got!
Dr. Eggman: [Chuckles] That's the spirit, rodent... the spirit of a loser! [The Eggcrusher raises its first, and brings it crashing down. Sonic dodges.]
Sonic: Takes one to know one. Ha! [Sonic dodges another strike, and attacks the mech with a spin.]
[Cuts to Amy and Knuckles, who are fighting Burrobots at the foot of the cliff.]
Amy: Why do I feel like Eggman's keeping us off the main stage?
Knuckles: Eggman's got us fighting the Badniks so he can have Sonic all to himself.
Amy: Let's go crash his show! [Amy and Knuckles jump up terrain leading to the cliff, and destroy the Burrobots there.]
Sonic: [Laughs] [Dodges a another strike, landing on the fist, which is stuck in the mountainside.] One scrambled egg, coming up. [Sonic performs a Spin Attack, knocking the Eggcrusher backwards, and leaving it teetering on the edge of the cliff. Eggman's can be heard screaming and groaning.]
[Tails watches the situation from the air, in the Tornado.]
Tails: Hmm. I don't like this. Dr. Eggman's too smart not to realize how terribly positioned he is. [Tails brings up a handheld device, which shows a scan of the mech's outline, and makes a beeping noise.] It's almost like he's... [gasp] ...He's not in there.
Dr. Eggman: [to Sonic] Quaking in your tiny shoes at the might of my Eggcrusher? It's understandable. I'm rather astounding.
Sonic: In your dreams! You bring it, I break it, Eggman. That's the game [Sonic performs a short dance], and I'm still the undefeated numero uno.
Dr. Eggman: [angry] Then put your quills where your mouth is, unless you're scared! [The Eggcrusher moves its fingers in mock fear.]
Tails: [gasps] [Tails quickly flies the Tornado in, and fires several blasts at the Eggcrusher, before swooping away again.]
Dr. Eggman: [grunts]
Tails: [yelling] It's a trap, Sonic! It's a trap!
Sonic: [Sonic glances around] I don't see a trap, though I guess by definition I wouldn't see a trap if there was one.
Dr. Eggman: [laughs maniacally]
Sonic: Something funny, egghead?
Dr. Eggman: You are! Watching you try to think with that two-cent brain of yours is hilarious!
Tails: [yelling] Sonic! You gotta listen! It's a trap!
Dr. Eggman: [Eggman grunts, and fires several small blasts at the Tornado, followed by a large red laser, all of which barely miss, while Knuckles and Amy look on.] You're as stupid as your mutant, two-tailed fox friend is ugly.
Sonic: [Angry] Oh, you're really asking for it!
Dr. Eggman: Yes... I am!
Sonic: You can mess with me, Eggman! BUT NO ONE MESSES WITH MY BEST FRIEND!!! [Sonic dashes off from his vantage point.]
Tails: Sonic! No!
[Sonic jumps off the ledge, and spins directly downwards towards the Eggcrusher. He knocks it off the lower edge, and continues spinning, driving it toward the ground, while Amy, Tails, and Knuckles watch, aghast. Soon, Sonic rams the Eggcrusher to the ground, creating a massive blue wave of energy, which spreads across the entirety of Green Hill, knocking residents off their feet, and causing Big the Cat to drop his rod while fishing.]
Big: Ohh! [Froggy makes a croaking sound.]
[From afar, Shadow witnesses the blast in annoyance.]
[Back at the foot of the cliff, a large crater is now under the remains of the Eggcrusher. A newly-formed fault line travels from the crater, up the Temple Mountain, to its peak, where it breaks a large portion of, leaving a visible cracked wall. Sonic is shown on top of the Eggcrusher's remains.]
Sonic: [panting] Whoa! Didn't know I had that in me. [Sonic starts gleefully dancing.] That's what you get for messing with my friends, Egghead! [Sonic looks inside the cockpit, but only finds a mysterious device.] Huh? Wh-where's Eggman? He must have ejected. Well, looks like we win again. [shouting] Tails! He's not even in here. Lame, right? [chuckles] [Tails looks on in annoyance.] Too chicken to face us in person. Whatevs! Couldn't have done it without ya, buddy! [Tails flies away in the Tornado.] Huh.
[Knuckles and Amy arrive at the former scene of the fight.]
Knuckles: Whoa, Tails looks upset.
Amy: [worried] And Tails never gets upset.
[Cuts to next scene. Eggman emerges from behind a palm tree holding a communications device, with Orbot and Cubot at his side.]
Dr. Eggman: It worked! Without the power of that blue buffoon, we would have had to dig for months. Thank you for the earthquake, Sonic, and thank me for my plan, which went off spectacularly.
Cubot: And it worked, too!
Dr. Eggman: [angry] Of course it worked! I just said that! Ugh, let's go. Papa wants his Prism. [Eggman walks away, tossing the communication device behind him, where it bounces off Orbot's head and hands in the robot's right hand. Orbot and Cubot follow Eggman.]
[Scene change: Tails' Lab, day]

[Sonic dashes up to the lab, which has its garage door shut. Sonic inputs the code "1992" on the keypad outside, and the door opens. Tails is seen inside typing on a keyboard. Sonic slowly walks up to him, holding comic books.]
Sonic: Yo! How's my genius friend?
Tails: [tired] Hey, Sonic.
Sonic: I brought you some comics.
Tails: [tired] Thanks, Sonic, you can put them over there. [Tails gestures behind him.]
Sonic: [chuckles] How about a little break from the big brain stuff?
Tails: I can't. Something's not right. I gotta figure out what Eggman is up to.
Sonic: [sadly walks up to Tails, and places the comic books on the lab's table. He then spins Tails' chair around so the fox is facing him.] Sorry, Tails. I didn't mean to upset you. In fact, I've never seen you so upset. I just kinda got into the moment and...
Tails: Sonic, it's cool. Really. [relieved] But thanks. I appreciate it. [short pause] Don't you think it was weird that Eggman wasn't in the Eggcrusher?
Sonic: Uh, not really. I mean, he is a total chicken. But I did find a hunk of junk in the cockpit where his big butt shoulda been.
Tails: Hunk of junk, huh? Wonder if that was all part of the trap? [quickly] Tell me you didn't toss it in the barge of Badnik parts.
Sonic: [looks up nervously] Uh... [dashes off, and returns just as fast, holding the Speed Amplifier] Junk speedy delivery! You smash it, we dash it!
Tails: [grabs the Speed Amplifier] Whoa, lemme see that! It wasn't a trap, it was a trick. You've never created a blast that destructive. [A flashback clip is shown of Sonic defeating the Eggcrusher, with the Speed Amplifier activating right before the explosion.] I think that this device was some sort of Speed Amplifier. Long story short, he used your speed against you!
Rouge: [offscreen] The fox is on to something.
Sonic: Huh?
[Sonic and Tails look towards the direction of the voice to see Rouge sitting above in a rafter of the lab.]
Sonic and Tails: Rouge?
Sonic: How did you get in here?
Rouge: He played you for a fool, Blue.
Sonic: Pfft! Please!
Tails: What would he need a massive explosion in that area for?
Rouge: Well... I have a hunch. [Rouge spreads her wings and gently floats down to Sonic and Tails.] You see, I've been searching for years for a super rare and shiny gem called the Paradox Prism.
Sonic: Paradox Prism?
[Sonic and Tails look at each other in confusion.]
Rouge: Legend speaks of untold power, and it's buried deep within the Green Hill bedrock. My guess is that he used your power against you to try to find it.
Sonic: Fascinating. But what I really want to know is, how did you get in here?
Rouge: [flatly] You left the door open.
[Sonic and Tails glance at the Lab's door, which is wide open.]
Rouge: Gather your crew and meet me at the top of the loop-de-loop. [excitedly] Let's find out what Eggman is up to.
[Scene change: Green Hill Temple Mountain, evening.]

[The camera pans towards the summit of the mountain, showing several Caterkillers which are collectively deploying a artificial cloud around it. At the top, Eggman, Orbot, Cubot, a mech, and several Burrobots lie outside a cracked mountain face.]
Dr. Eggman: At last. The Paradox Prism! So close. [Eggman peers through one of the cracks, gazing into the cavern behind.] It was only a rumor for so long, and now inches from my grasp. Countless times I have tried to modernize this hunk of earth only to be defied by that simpleton Sonic. Now, it's finally going to happen. And it's all the sweeter because the blue baboon handed me this prize... [Eggman claps, and walks onto the hand of his mech. The hand raises, and one finger forms a small bridge, which Eggman walks across to enter the cockpit.] ...without realizing it. So, thank you, Sonic. For now, I stand at the summit of-
Orbot: Of the mountain.
Dr. Eggman: ...of a new age! The age of-
Cubot: Pretty lights?
Dr. Eggman: ...the age of the Eggman Empire! [Eggman readies the mech, while the Badniks congregate behind it.]
Orbot and Cubot: [look at each other] Ooh! Catchy.
Dr. Eggman: [Using the Mech's strength, Eggman breaks down the cracked wall leading to the cavern, and walks offscreen into into the new passageway.] And now... [screams] [a large crash is heard, and Orbot and Cubot look through the entrance to see Eggman's mech flat on the ground of the cave. Eggman steps out of the mech.] Why didn't you idiots tell me how big that first step was?!
Orbot: Sorry, Boss.
Dr. Eggman: [Eggman gets back in the mech, activates its lights, and brings it to its feet again. He slowly walks it through the cave, shining its spotlight on surfaces.] Where is it? I know you're here somewhere. [The light shines on the paradox prism, casting multicolored rays across the cavern. Eggman chuckles, and laughs maniacally.]
[Scene change: Green Hill Loop-De-Loop, evening.]

[Sonic and co. Are standing on top of the loop, gazing at the Temple Mountain.]
Tails: I think Rouge is right. Eggman picked that spot for a reason. [Tails points to the site where the Eggcrusher was defeated at.] Why else would he hide a power amplifier in his own Eggcrusher?
Knuckles: So we start at the scene of the crime.
Amy: Exactly. Let's go investigate and see if anything might lead us to this Paradox Prism you guys are talking about.
[Scene change: New Yoke City, present]

[Sonic continues falling from the building.]
Sonic: Paradox Prism. Right. That's what Eggman was after. How? [Sonic lands flat on the ground with a thud, and groans. On-screen text appears reading "NOW".] No, no, no. [Sonic sees a wall adorned with the Chaos Council's symbol, and begins walking towards it.] I didn't leave Green Hill. This is Green Hill. He did it? I don't know how he did it, but he did it. [defeated] Eggman won. [The eyes on the symbol glow bright red, and sound a siren. Several Eggforcers arrive, and fire lasers.] That would mean... Badniks. I gotta find Tails! [Sonic dashes off. Another camera is shown watching him.]
[Cuts to the same lab as before, where Rusty Rose is again watching Sonic through the camera in real-time.]
Sonic: [on screen] Badniks. I gotta find Tails!
[A light flashes on in the lab's hallway, and the shadow of Mister Doctor Eggman is projected onto the scene. Rusty Rose begins watching footage of Sonic's earlier actions in New Yoke City.]
Rusty Rose: [to Sonic] Who are you?
Mister Doctor Eggman: [offscreen] More ungrateful rebels?
Rusty Rose: No. Something new. Not in the databanks. [Rusty Rose types on the control panel in front of her, and a visual of Sonic's energy profile is brought up.] Its energy profile is... intriguing. The Unidentified Running Organism has outrun the Eggforcers and is heading towards Babble's area. [Babble's logo is shown of a screen of the panel.]
[Cuts to next scene. Sonic is dashing through Babble's area of the city. He runs straight by a citizen being threatened by a gray Eggforcer. The Eggforcer notices Sonic, and gives chase.]
Sonic: Finding Tails would be a lot easier if everything was covered in grass and palm trees, like it should be. [Dr. Babble in his mech hovers down right in front of Sonic, who skids to a halt.] Whoa!
[The mech drops to the ground with a thud.]
Sonic: Eggman, finally! I don't know what you did, and I don't know how you did it, but I'm gonna kick your Ro-butt!
[Babble laughs and presses the button on the door of his mech suit, causing the color roulette to start, much to Sonic's confusion. The color roulette slows down and lands on the yellow icon. The baby rattle shaped mace arm appears out of the funnel of the mech suit's arm as Babble shakes it.]
Sonic: What is that, a baby rattle? Not exactly scary...
[Babble uses his mech suit to uppercut Sonic, sending him flying to the wall as Babble continues laughing. The purple icon on Babble's mech starts ringing as the mace-arm retracts as Babble crawls towards Sonic. Sonic attempts to run, but his shoes slip.]
Sonic: Whoa! Come on, shoes! [Babble leaps at Sonic, barely missing. Sonic jumps over Babble, and continues running.] Ha ha! [Sonic's shoes slip again, sending him into a wall.] Ow! [Sonic jumps another punch from Babble, and runs up the mech's arm, but slips again. He picks himself up and continues dodging, then runs up a building, allowing him to slam down on Babble, Knocking the mech on its back helpless. Sonic circles the mech at high speed, creating a tornado which spins it around into the air. Then Sonic's shoes slip again, causing Sonic to veer off into a wall.] Whoa! Unh!
Babble: [Whines as his mech drops to the ground and slides into a wall.]
Sonic: [Runs up to the mech.] Okay, Eggy, you tell me what you did and how to fix it! [The cockpit opens, revealing Babble's true nature as a baby.] Whoa! You really are a baby. What in the name of Green Hill's going on? [Sonic dashes off, confused.]
[The cockpit on Babble's mech closes again, and the mech springs into action again, pursuing Sonic through the city, and slamming into several walls along the way. The color roulette begins spinning again, while Babble makes baby noises.]
Sonic: Ugh! Sorry, kid, I don't bust up babies. [Sonic looks in front of him, and sees several Security Drones dragging citizens into a large pipe.] Go home, change your diaper, think about your choices, and tell Eggman I'll deal with him later. Right now, I got a fox friend to find! [Sonic quickly changes direction, running into the pipe.]
[Babble attempts to follow, but doesn't fit in due to the size of his mech, and is instead stuck in the opening. Babble reaches the mech's hand through, but fails to grab anything. He whines, as several Eggforcers arrive to pull him out. Babble starts crying and punches one Eggforcer away in a fit. From a ledge above, Rebel Rouge and Renegade Knucks witness the situation.]
Rebel Rouge: He's fast, powerful, and hates the egg. We gotta follow this guy.
Renegade Knucks: I don't know, Rebel. [shrugs] What if we follow him right into the hands of the Chaos Council? Feels like a trap.
Rebel Rouge: When have I ever steered us wrong? [short pause] Rhetorical question.
[Scene change: New Yoke City, Subway tunnel]

[Sentry Drones fly past, carrying captured citizens. Sonic follows close behind. Soon, they arrive at the Scareport, and Sonic jumps off the tracks onto a platform.]
PA Voice: Departing trainsport [sic] from Circle Station arriving in the Scareport...
[A wider view of the area is shown. Several monorails are present nearby, as well as tubes leading to other parts of the city.]
Sonic: Oh, man, I could really use a familiar face right about now. [Sonic looks around, and notices a citizen resembling Tails with mechanical tails, who enters one of the tubes.] Tails? Buddy? [Sonic dashes off after "Tails". After exiting the pipe, Sonic weaves through the crowd in an attempt to keep up.] Tails! Tails! ["Tails" moves around a corner into a tunnel. Sonic follows, but finds no sign of him.] Wait, what? Hmm. [Sonic slowly walks through the tunnel, until he notices a door and keypad resembling those on Tails' Lab.] Huh! I knew you were here somewhere. Please be the same. Mmm... [Sonic types "1992" into the keypad. The door clanks, and slides open.] Tails, you crafty fox. [Sonic walks into the room.] Finally something around here makes sense. [Sonic notices the devices and equipment in the room.] Weird. Nothing about this is like Tails' workshop. [Sonic notices "Tails" typing away on a control panel.] Yes! There's my two-tailed genius friend. [Sonic spins around the chair "Tails" is sitting on.] Surprise!
Tails Nine: [Gasps, raises his wrench aggressively, and growls.]
Sonic: Tails! It's me, your best, uh...
Tails Nine: [walks forwards slowly and aggressively] What did you just call me? [presses a button on his belt, extending all seven of his mechanical tails.]
Sonic: Uh... Tails?
Tails Nine: The name's... [screaming] NINE!!! [Nine jumps into the air, and pounces at Sonic, who barely dodges. Nine begins climbing the wall of the room.] What do you want? Who sent you? [Nine climbs to the ceiling, and redirects the lamp to shine on Sonic brightly. Sonic is momentarily blinded, allowing for Nine to drop down and knock Sonic across the room.]
[Sonic falls onto some cylindrical containers. He picks one off himself, and begins dodging Nine's rapid strikes.]
Sonic: Whoa! Heck! How many tails do you have?
Tails Nine: Nine!
[Sonic gets to his feat, and kicks Nine away. Nine dashes back, and grabs Sonic's legs with his robotic tails. He then swings Sonic around, tossing him out of the room and over the subway tracks. A monorail speeds by at that exact moment, catching Sonic on the roof of its cars. Nine quickly grabs on. As the monorail speeds through the Tunnel, Nine continues fighting Sonic, chasing him across cars.]
Sonic: Tails, stop! We're buds! Amigos! [Sonic spins off the monorail, and onto the beam it runs along.] Best friends!
Tails Nine: [jumps off the monorail onto the beam, and charges at Sonic] I have no friends!
Sonic: [dodging Nine's strikes while slowly walking backwards] "No friends"? You have the best friends.
[Another monorail speeds by, and Sonic and Nine jump onto it. At a platform below, a Rebel Denizen is seen recording the situation on a device, which has Rebel Rouge on the line.]
Rebel Denizen: Target located. We're at the Scareport.
[Cuts to a building in New Yoke City. Rebel Rouge and Renegade Knucks are operating from on top of it.]
Rebel Rouge: Loud and clear. On our way. [Rebel Rouge spreads her wings, and flies off. Renegade Knucks follows close behind.]
[Cuts back to Sonic and Nine, fighting on the monorail. Tails Nine suddenly hops in front of Sonic, and continues attacking.]
Sonic: [dodging] You've been working out? Who's your trainer? [Sonic is his by a strike from Nine.] Ow!
Tails Nine: I was trained by the misery of life and this foul and heartless city. [charges directly at Sonic, hurling him backwards]
Sonic: Snap out of it! We go way back. [Sonic hops off the monorail and onto another one passing by on the second track, speeding in the opposite direction. Nine follows.] All my best memories of Green Hill have you in 'em, and you're not punching me. [Nine lunges at Sonic again. Sonic continues dodging my jumping around the monorail. Soon, they both jump off onto the beam the second monorail runs along. Sonic slowly backs up as Nine crawls forwards] Don't you want to go home? Blue skies, sunny beaches, palm trees?
[Another rebel is seen recording the incident from a platform below. Another monorail speeds by, and Sonic and Nine jump on it. Nine continues crawling forwards.]
Tails Nine: I don't know what kind of mind games you're playing, but it won't work! [Nine lunges at Sonic, who dodges, causing Nine to slip and topple off the monorail. Nine manages to grab on with two of his tails, leaving him dangling from the side with his other tails scraping the ground.] Whoa! [As Nine attempts to climb back up, and horn blares, headlight shine directly at him signifying another monorail approaching swiftly on the other track. Just before the other monorail would hit Nine, Sonic spins into action, and grabs nine out of harm's way, leaping though the air to a platform, which they land on and tumble across, before coming to a halt.] [panting] You saved me?
Sonic: I've been trying to tell you that we are friends.
Tails Nine: [angry] Fabricated stories won't keep me from beating you back, intruder!
Sonic: Stop! Just....stop. We're friends. Best friends. This has to ring a bell. From the very moment we first met, you were a happy, brainy little fox doing happy, brainy little fox things. [A pixelated flashback is shown of Tails walking through Emerald Hill Zone. Two bully foxes jump out from behind a bush. One pulls on Tails' tails, while the other jeers.] Some blockhead bullies were picking on you for having an extra tail. I ran by, and they lost interest in being jerks. [In the flashback, Sonic runs by, knocking the bullies out of the way. Sonic winks at Tails as he continues running, and Tails flashes a thumbs up gesture before flying after Sonic.]
Tails Nine: How do you know about that? That's not how it happened... and you weren't there. [Another pixelated flashback is shown of Nine walking through New Yoke City.] I was a kid, minding my business but not minding my surroundings. [Like before, Two bully foxes jump out from behind a bush. One pulls on Nine's tails, while the other jeers.] Some creeps came along and picked on me for having one extra tail. [Nine is shown crying and running from several shadowy representations of his aggressors.] I took a beating. [Nine is shown alone in a white room, cowering in fear.] It was the same for years, until I used my cunning fox brain to give me a real way to fight back. [Nine is shown in a lab, wearing a welding mask and using a welder on something. More shadowy representations of his aggressors are seen in the background. The flashback then cuts to another scene, where Nine has finished his work. Seven robotic tails extend from behind him.] I take care of myself and need no one. Period. [shouting] No one has friends here. Why do you think I live down here? To avoid everyone... you included. [Nine sits down in annoyance.]
Sonic: [confused] Doesn't make sense. You are Tails, but you're not. Here, but gone?
[short silence]
Tails Nine: what else did we do?
Sonic: [stops pondering the situation, and turns to Nine.] Well, first of all, you have the coolest plane.
Tails Nine: [confused] I do?
Sonic: It's called...."The Tornado". [Sonic starts running and punching in place. His shoes glow brightly.] And we fought and busted Eggman like, so many times, I've lost track.
Tails Nine: You mean the Chaos Council?
Sonic: No, I mean Eggman.
Tails Nine: So, Mr. Doctor Eggman, then?
Sonic: Sure. Sounds good. Look, we've had our share of ups and downs, but when we stick together, we never lose. [Sonic pats Nine on the back.] And when all's said and done, there's no better reward than sharing a chili dog with your best pal. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. We've got a lifetime of adventures and memories together.
Tails Nine: Um, I... I think your shoes are smoldering. [points down at Sonic's shoes]
Sonic: [looks down in surprise] Of course they are. What else can go wrong in this crazy place? [Sonic sits down in frustration.]
Tails Nine: The only thing I despise more than people in my space is whiners. [One of Nine's robotic tails places a gun-like device in his arms. Nine points it at Sonic.]
Sonic: [panicked] Wait! I thought we just had a bonding moment.
Tails Nine: Stay still. [Nine activates the device. It shoots a cyan light which Nine gradually directs down Sonic's body, stopping at his shoes. The gun then projects a holographic display of Sonic's energy levels, which Nine reads.] Curious. There's low-level energy throughout your entire body. But possibly a Regulator could... Follow me! [Nine uses his mechanical tails to crawl off. Sonic follows.]
[Scene change: Nine's lab]

[Sonic is examining Nine's inventions, while the fox types away at a computer.]
Sonic: I, uh, like them by the way.
Tails Nine: Those ratty old sneakers? Obviously.
Sonic: No, I mean I always thought your extra tail was cool, but the metal ones? Man, you're amazing.
Tails Nine: Uh, sure. One last touch. [Nine swivels his chair around to face Sonic. He hands Sonic four Regulators.] Attach these. They might be able to regulate the excess energy coming off your gear so the don't explode.
Sonic: "Might"?
Tails Nine: This energy is still a mystery. [Nine attaches a Regulator to each of Sonic's gloves, and a Regulator to each of his shoes.]
[The Regulators begin to glow with blue energy, and make a mechanical whirring sound. Sonic and Nine watch in suspense. Suddenly, Sonic glows brightly, and his shoes and gloves transform into more stylized forms.]
Sonic: Whoa! What are these? [dashes back and forth] No energy overflow, and the look. [Sonic gazes appreciatively at his new attire.] I mean, come on. Mwah!
Tails Nine: Ah, curious. They're still your gloves and shoes, only now they seem to have attuned with the energy in your body instead of resisting it. I wonder why that is.
Sonic: [dashes up to Nine] Oh-ho, these are killer! No more slipping and sliding, no smoke. Thanks, Tails. I mean, Nine. Time for a test drive. [dashes out of the lab]
Tails Nine: No, wait, you dope! It's not safe.
[Sonic emerges from a pipe in the streets of New Yoke City. Nine follows close behind.]
Sonic: Hey, if the mad scientist/loner thing doesn't work out, you should get into fashion accessories. Stylin'!
Tails Nine: Shhh! We need to maintain a low profile. The Council has eyes everywhere.
Sonic: [slowly walking backwards] When you get your memory back, you'll remember that low profile isn't my thing. Want to run up the walls?
Tails Nine: What? No!
[Suddenly, both Sonic and Tails are grabbed by the first of Babble's mech, which emerges from behind a corner. Several Eggforcers arrive.]
Babbles: [baby talk] [Babbles holds Sonic and Tails threateningly near the cockpit of his mech.]
Sonic: Ugh. Not the baby.
Tails Nine: I told you to keep a low profile.
Sonic: No, you didn't.
Tails Nine: Yes, I did.
Sonic: No, you didn't.
Tails Nine: Yes, I did.
[Babble's mech blasts off, with Sonic and Tails still in its left fist. The Eggforcers follow.]
Sonic: No, you didn't.
Tails Nine: Are you sure we were best friends?
[From atop a building, Renegade Knucks and Rebel Rouge watch.]
Renegade Knucks: Blue Streak has a friend?
Rebel Rouge: Didn't look friendly. But whoever he is, he's involved now. [clenches fist]
[Cuts to a giant building in New Yoke City, adorned with the logo of the Chaos Council. Inside, Sonic's limbs are restrained by electronic shackles from a restraining device. The room is in total darkness. Footsteps are heard.]
Sonic: Who's there? Hello? Hello? [A bright light suddenly shines directly at Sonic.] [grunts] Ow! A little warning. Man, that's bright. [blinks a few times as his eyes begin to water. He begins to notice this.] Hello? Tissue?
[A door opens, and in walk two Eggforcers, along with a captured Nine.]
Tails Nine: You're wasting your breath.
Sonic: Nine, is that you? [Sonic's vision is shown to be blurred.] Are you the small blurry thing or the medium blurry thing? [Rust Rose walks by] Or the big blurry... [gasps] Amy?! Amy! All right. Now we're getting somewhere. Got a key?
Rusty Rose: [types at a computer] Negative. My identification is... Rusty Rose.
Sonic: [aghast] You're a robot!
Rusty Rose: No. Mechanically enhanced. Survival required adaptation, as you will soon learn.
Sonic: Oh, Amy.
Rusty Rose: Rusty Rose. Cease talking. You will need all the breath you can muster if you are to survive.
[The door opens, and five figures on hovering chairs enter, obscured by the shadows.]
Sonic: More silhouettes? Who does your lighting?
Rusty Rose: The Chaos Council. [presses a key, turning on a spotlight on above Dr. Done-It] Dr. Done-It.
Dr. Done-It: [grumbles and his sleep, then wakes up] I'm awake, I'm awake. Go on, you were saying.
Rusty Rose: [presses a key, turning on a spotlight on above Dr. Deep] Dr. Deep.
Dr. Deep: The philosophical ramifications of this discovery rock my very core.
Rusty Rose: [presses a key, turning on a spotlight on above Dr. Don't] Dr. Don't.
Dr. Don't: [playing on a handheld gaming system] Whatevs.
Rusty Rose: And you have already met the baby, Dr. Babble. [Presses a key, turning on a spotlight on above Dr. Babble.]
Dr. Babble: [babbling angrily]
Sonic: That is the angriest baby I've ever met.
Rusty Rose: And finally, Mr. Dr. Eggman. [Presses a key, turning on a spotlight on above Mr. Dr. Eggman.]
Sonic: [to Nine] Oh, so that's who you were talking about!
[Nine rolls his eyes]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: By the dumbfounded look in your eyes, I gather you've come to grips with the gravity of your situation.
Sonic: "The Council"? Looks like an Eggman family reunion. When did you call in reinforcements, Eggy?
Mr. Dr. Eggman: We are not a family, rodent. We are The Council. One makes five. [the four other members of the council move their chairs directly behind Mr. Dr. Eggman's, making it the only one visible. Then, they move them back.] Five makes one.
Chaos Council: [laugh maniacally]
Sonic: [groans] So many Eggmans, so many questions. [sighs] Does anyone have an aspirin?
Dr. Done-It: [angry] How could you not know?!
Dr. Don't: We're famous.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: We are what we are. Always have been, always will be.
Dr. Done-It: So this creature made all that fuss? [moves his chair up to Sonic] Doesn't look like much... [pokes Sonic with his cane] ...To... [pokes Sonic with his cane again] ...Me. [pokes Sonic with his cane a third time.]
Sonic: Hey! I respect creaky old stuff, but poke me again, and I'll crack your antique shell, Egg-gramps.
Dr. Babble: [points at Sonic, and babbles]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [to Babble] I told you. It seems to know who we are, yet we have no information on it in our databanks.
Sonic: "It"? Really?
Dr. Deep: Like it popped into existence from nowhere.
Sonic: What? I've been here the whole time, dude.
Rusty Rose: Perhaps answers lie in the energy signature the creature exhibits. [Rusty Rose presses a key, and footage from earlier of Sonic outrunning Eggforcers plays on a TV screen in the room.] May I suggest a series of grueling life-endangering diagnostic tests?
Sonic: Not helping, Amy. You know I don't do well on tests.
Dr. Done-It: Those in favor of stress-testing this blue rabbit, say yes.
[All of the Chaos Council members except Dr. Don't raise their hands.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Oh, yes, please.
Dr. Babble: [Babbles happily]
[Instead of raising his hand, Dr. Don't presses a "yes" button on his device. The device restraining Sonic is lifted off from its base, and placed in a sealed chamber with a glass wall for the Chaos Council to watch through.]
Sonic: Hey, hey!
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Rusty, put him through the paces. Let's see how powerful he is.
[Rusty Rose presses a key on the access panel. Sonic grunts, and struggles against the electronic shackles binding him.]
Rusty Rose: Do not fight them. It will only end badly for him. [Rusty Rose points to Nine. An Eggforcer prods him with an electric weapon, electrocuting him.]
Tails Nine: [grunts]
Sonic: Nine! [Rusty Rose presses a key, and the shackles deactivate, causing Sonic to drop to the floor of the chamber.] Okay, let's start the test. The sooner we do this, the sooner Nine and I can get out of here. [Rusty Rose presses another key, and two laser turrets emerge from opposite walls. One fires at Sonic, and he barely dodges out of the way.] Lasers. I hate lasers. [Both turrets begin firing rapidly, and Sonic continues running to dodge.]
Chaos Council: [laugh]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Nice!
[Sonic runs up a wall, and rapidly circles the turret there, causing it to lose focus on him. The other turret prepares to fire. Sonic then jumps in the space between the two turrets, causing both to fire. A slow motion shot of Sonic dodging at the last minute is shown, which leads to the laser cannons shooting each other. Mr. Dr. Eggman snaps his fingers, and Rusty Presses a hey to re-capture Sonic. The entire chamber then moves upwards, while Sonic is forced to the one below through a hole in the floor. In the new chamber is a curved conveyor belt. After being released, Sonic runs on the belt, avoiding moving laser beams while the belt ripples and bends. Cuts to another portion where Sonic runs past a crusher and between a set of Spikes to bounce on a Spring. In mid-air, Sonic avoids several more sets of spikes, before landing on a fan, which he runs on to make it rotate and carry him upwards. He then kicks it away, sending it spinning into the crusher, which it cuts in half. Sonic wipes his hands, while the Chaos Council look on in interest. Rusty Rose presses another button, and the shot cuts to Sonic running in a rotating hollow glass sphere with spiked ballss bouncing around inside it.]
Sonic: Seriously? A hamster ball? What is wrong with you people?
Rusty Rose: [to Chaos Council] The tests are still inconclusive. His maximum limits remain unknown.
Dr. Done-It: Make the blue badger run.
[Rusty Rose presses a key, and the rotation of the glass sphere speeds up.]
Sonic: [grunts] Come on, Amy! Some compassion for your boy Sonic. (grunts) You can't suddenly be this heartless!
Rusty Rose: [walks up to the glass barrier of the chamber] Birdie would disagree. [A portion of Rusty Rose's robotic torse opens up, revealing a defeated-looking Birdie inside.]
Birdie: [chirps sadly]
Sonic: That's so messed up. [gets hit by a Spiked Ball, and tumbles around the sphere] [grunts]
Tails Nine: Sonic! [gets electrocuted again by the Eggforcers]
Sonic: [running faster and faster] You want to test me, Eggheads? Question: How do you tick off a hedgehog? Answer: Mess with his friends! [Sonic performs a Spin Attack, and begins speeding along the interior of the sphere at rapid speed.]
[The computer shows Sonic's energy level rising. A repeated beeping is heard. The Chaos Council (except for Dr. Don't) watches on in interest.]
Dr. Don't: I totally call dibs on his quills.
Sonic: [grunts] [A mass of blue energy is forming in the sphere]
[The computer shows Sonic's energy reaching dangerous levels. The building begins shaking.]
Tails Nine: I knew it. He's got the same energy that powers the city.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: The energy field is supercharging our systems.
[The computer begins to spark. Rusty Rose backs away.]
Dr. Done-It: Turns out the blue possum has some juice after all.
Sonic: [straining]
[The energy generates a great white light. Cuts to Sonic, who can only is still running, and can only see the mass of energy around him. Suddenly, a vision of Shadow appears.]
Shadow: Sonic, it's broken! It's all broken!
Sonic: Shadow?! Uh-oh. I think I'm starting to hallucinate! [Several short flashbacks are shown: Sonic's defeat of the Eggcrusher, Shadow witnessing the blast, the meeting atop the Loop-De-Loop, and Sonic fighting Shadow. Then, it flashes back to directly after the meeting on the Loop-De-Loop, where Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, Tails, and Rouge are present.]
[Scene change: Green Hill, past.]

Amy: Let's stick together and we'll...
Sonic: Perfect! I'm gonna ring up. Meet you there. [Sonic jumps off the loop, and dashes away.]
Amy: Sonic! I guess he didn't hear the "stick together" part.
Knuckles: Does he ever?
Tails: No. But he also hasn't let us down when it really counts. You know Sonic. He'll catch up at some point.
[Cuts to next scene. Knuckles Tails and Amy are flying in the Tornado, with Rouge flying on her own close behind. They fly around the site of the defeated Eggcrusher.]
Tails: Wow! Are you guys seeing this? Look at the fault line. It goes right up the mountain! [The fault line's path is shown up to a point on the Temple Mountain, where it can no longer be seen due to a cloud obscuring it.]
Knuckles: Ugh.
Amy: Anyone noticing that? [points to the cloud] That cloud hasn't moved an inch. Something's unnatural. Tails!
Tails: Already on it. [Tails turns the place towards the Temple Mountain and flies up it through the cloud. He notices a hoard of Badniks pointed toward the cavern entrance.] Whoa. Do you think Sonic's in there?
Rouge: With all those Badniks still standing?
Knuckles: Our pal's not exactly the stealthy type.
Tails: We got here before him? How?
Amy: Find a spot to land. Let's find out what's going on.
[Tails has the Tornado descend.]
[Cuts to next scene. Sonic is running through an open area of Green Hill.]
Sonic: [chuckles] We can wrap this up before dinner. Mmm. Chili dogs. But first, just in case Eggman gets in a lucky shot, Rings! [Sonic grabs four rows of rings. Suddenly, Shadow appears, and charges directly at Sonic.] Ahhhh!
[A stylized slow-motion show of Shadow punching Sonic is shown. Sonic is sent flying. The episode ends with the episode's title showing up on-screen, "Shattered".] | image tagged in blank black,copypasta,sonic prime | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
136 views 4 upvotes Made by PumpHimself 1 year ago in MS_memer_group
blank black memeCaption this Meme
blank black memeCaption this Meme
Created with the Imgflip Meme Generator
[Scene: Green Hill, day] [Several Flickys can be heard chirping. Sonic dashes by, collecting six Rings which were floating above the ground. In another portion of Green Hill, Big the Cat is slowly walking with Froggy on his head. Sonic speeds right by him, causing the cat to spin, and toss his fishing rod into the air..] Big: Woah! [Sonic dashes back to big, and stabilizes him to prevent him from falling over. Big's fishing rod lands back in his hand.] Sonic: Sorry, Big. Sorry, Froggy. Can't chat, gotta go help our friends! [Sonic dashes off] Big: No problem, Sonic! [Big waves in Sonic's direction. Froggy makes a croaking sound.] [Cuts to next scene. Sonic is running through a different part of Green Hill.] Sonic: [v.o] Home is where your friends are, as they say [Sonic winks at the viewer.], and that's Green Hill, where the best beaches, palm trees and Chili dogs, are just the tip of the iceberg. [Throughout Sonic's voiceover, the episode cuts to several short flashback clips, first of Amy, Big, Knuckles, Tails, and Birdie around a palm tree, then Amy presenting the palm tree to Sonic, then Tails flying near the tree, and lastly Sonic gazing longingly at a plate of Chili dogs held by Big.] We've saved this place a million times, from this doofus. [While Sonic says this, a clip of Tails, Knuckles and Amy riding the Tornado with Rouge following in tow is played, followed by another clip of Dr. Eggman laughing. After this, it cuts to another clip of Shadow the Hedgehog destroying a rock in Green Hill.] And then there's Shadow. It's complicated, more on him later. [Cuts to another clip of Sonic and co. standing side-by-side in Green Hill. After this clip, the episode returns to showing Sonic's present journey, dashing up the Temple Mountain in Green Hill.] The fact is, we never lose! 'Cause when you got a crew like mine, there's nothing that can stop you! [Sonic reaches the top of the Temple Mountain, and enters the cavern entrance at the top.] Sonic: Hey, guys! I made it! [Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Tails are shown in the cave, prepared for battle.] Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Tails: You're late! [Cuts to Dr. Eggman who is deeper inside the cave.] Dr. Eggman: Sonic! Sonic: Eggman! [Eggman is shown standing beside the Paradox Prism, partially embedded into the rock. Around him are Orbot, Cubot, and several Burrobots. A giant mech is also seen behind him.] Dr. Eggman: Just in time to watch me claim the Paradox Prism and transform your disgustingly green world into something more... me. [laughs maniacally] Sonic: [drops down to the floor of the cavern] Yawn! [Sonic's teammates rush to his side] Yep, I "yawned" you, Eggman. Dr. Eggman: [Speaking furiously, to his Badniks] Crush them all! [A horde of Badniks composed of Burrobots, Buzz Bombers, and giant Caterkillers charges forwards from Eggman's side of the cave. Sonic and co. rush towards the Badniks from the opposite side. Sonic destroys a burrobot with a Spin Attack, Knuckles destroys another one with a punch, Rouge flys through the air, destroying a Buzz Bomber with a kick, Amy destroys another Burrobot with her Piko Piko Hammer, and Tails uses an remote controlled laser cannon to blast a Buzz Bomber. Sonic spins around attacking other Badniks, but is bashed by a Caterkiller, causing him to drop Rings.] Sonic: Whoa! [Tails, while flying, catches Sonic.] Tails: Sonic! Sonic: Yo, Tails! [Tails, tosses Sonic, who performs a Spin Attack, and speeds towards Knuckles, who is fighting several Badniks.] Knuckles! You okay, buddy? Knuckles: [Angry] Nothing flusters me, Sonic... [Knuckles grabs an attacking Buzz Bomber, and throws it into a wall.] ...except when you're late. [Knuckles dashes off.] [A Caterkiller approaches Sonic from behind. Rouge comes in with a swift flying kick, and knocks it away.] Sonic: Thanks, Rouge! Rouge: Don't mention it. Literally. [Rouge darts off] [Amy destroys a nearby Burrobot with her hammer. Its disembodied head starts rolling away, but she catches it. Three Flickies fly out of a hole in the head's underside. Sonic dashes over, and leans on the head.] Sonic: Amy! Amy: Sonic! Where have you been? Sonic: Got a little sidetracked. [Sonic spins off up a wall, and attacks several Badniks. Amy destroys another Badnik with her hammer.] Dr. Eggman: [Furious] Get that rock out of the ground! [Several Burrobots attempt to drill away at the rock attacking the prism to the ground, but are unable to break it.] Dr. Eggman: Want something done, do it yourself. [Eggman climbs into his mech.] [Cuts back to Sonic, who spins over to Tails. They continue fighting Badniks] Tails: Sonic, we don't know what the Prism is capable of. Be careful. [Sonic rolls his eyes and dashes off towards Eggman.] Amy: If Eggman wants it, it can't be good. Sonic: Got it! [Eggman grips the prism with his mech, and begins trying to remove it.] Step away from the rock, Eggman. Dr. Eggman: Not this time, you fool. [As Sonic gets closer and closer to Eggman, the Prism is shown becoming looser and looser due to Eggman's efforts. Once close enough, Sonic jumps and spins towards Eggman and the Prism.] Tails: Sonic, wait! [Sonic is about to hit the prism, which is glowing brightly] Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Tails: Sonic, no! [The Paradox Prism shatters into shards, producing multicolored beams of light which blast Sonic's friends backwards. Additionally, they are all caught in the blast. Suddenly, all the light in the area is sucked into where the Paradox Prism once was, leaving the area in total darkness.] [Opening logo plays] [Scene change: The Void] [An unconscious Sonic appears out of a blue rift, followed by several large shards. Multicolored energy is pulsating on Sonic's shoes. As Sonic drifts through the Void towards a bright red light, a giant astral figure resembling Eggman appears.] Dr. Eggman: One day I'll destroy that hedgehog, and the world will be a brighter place for it, lit by neon. [Sonic drifts towards an astral figure of Tails] Tails: As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wingman! [Sonic drifts towards an astral figure of Amy] Amy: The forest is the most beautiful place on earth. [Sonic drifts towards an astral figure of Knuckles] Knuckles: I don't need the details, just tell me who to smash. [Sonic drifts towards an astral figure of Rouge] Rouge: You may not like the way I do things, but I get things done! [Sonic continues drifting, away from the figures] Amy: [offscreen] Hey, I may be the one who can bring everyone together, but there's only one hedgehog they'll follow into battle. Tails: [offscreen] Heh heh! I don't need an army when I've got a friend like you, Sonic. Dr. Eggman: [offscreen] I will rule the world, and no rodents are going to stop me. Amy: [offscreen] We'd follow you anywhere, Sonic. [Sonic is pulled into the red light, and the screen fades to white.] Tails: [offscreen] Nothing could break our friendship, Sonic. [Scene change: New Yoke City] [In a surge of blue energy, a weakened Sonic is teleported to New Yoke City, in the middle of a street. Painfully, he rises to his feet.] Sonic: [groans] That's a sonic boom of a headache. Wh-where am I? [Sonic begins walking through the city, but is interrupted by a vehicle with a loud horn and bright lights coming his way.] Huh? Aah! [Sonic is hit by the vehicle, but climbs up its front to reach the top.] Uh... [Sonic is interrupted by another horn, coming from a monorail-like vehicle above him. Sonic quickly ducks.] Aah! Close one. [The vehicle hits a bump, and Sonic is knocked off, landing next to a bleak-faced citizen on a moving sidewalk.] Aah! Ow! [Sonic hits the bend of the sidewalk, and falls off into the street, where he is swept around by a street sweeping robot.] Whoa, whoa, whoa! [Sonic is launched away into a wall.] Why can't I remember how I got here? Think, Sonic, think! [Sonic notices the bright energy coursing through his shoes] Whoa, what is up with my shoes? Huh. I haven't seen anything like this since I ate truck stop chili dogs. Tails? Amy? Heck, I'll even take Knuckles at this point. [Sonic walks off to confront a citizen on a moving sidewalk.] Uh, pardon me, what do you call this place? [The citizen ignores Sonic.] Are you ignoring me? You're ignoring me. Why are you ignoring me? [The citizen walks off.] Why is everyone ignoring me? [Sonic moves to a different sidewalk, and questions a different citizen.] Can anybody give me a straight answer around here? [The other citizen also ignores Sonic, then walks away.] And you're busy staring at nothing. Okay. [A loud horn suddenly sounds out. Sonic covers his ears to block out the noise.] Huh? [The source of the horn is revealed to be a floating circular device with text displaying on it. Sonic reads off the text.] "Welcome to New Yoke City. You're welcome." Never heard of it. Has to be far from home. [Denizen 1998 quietly walks past Sonic and stands next to him, while the hedgehog is distracted observing the city.] Where are the mountains, the beaches, the palm trees? [Sonic notices Denizen 1998 with Froggy] Big! Froggy! [Sonic hugs Denizen 1998.] Denizen 1998: [Surprised] Whoa! Uh...! [A video camera is shown watching the situation.] Sonic: Am I glad to see familiar faces! I thought I was losing my rings, you know what I mean? [Confused] What is going on here? Are you wearing pants? [A spotlight suddenly appears on them. Denizen 1998 puts his hands up, while Sonic looks up to see what is going on.] Security Drone: Unidentified citizen. Alert! Alert! [The Security Drone plays a siren.] [Denizen 1998 and the other nearby citizens flee from Sonic.] Sonic: Big! Don't go! [Several Eggforcers drop down from above.] Eggforcer: You are in violation of city ordinance 27 B/6. Sonic: Sorry, I don't speak robot. Eggforcer: By the authority of the Chaos Council, stand down or be disassembled. [The robot arms its two cannons] Sonic: "Chaos Council"? Sounds important. Give me directions, and I'll take it from there. [Two more Eggforcers arrive behind Sonic, who attempts to dash off. However, Sonic initially finds himself unable to run, before his energized shoes suddenly cause him to blast away at incredible speed, leaving a trail of energy in his wake.] Wha...? Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa! [Sonic dashes through the city, and into an alleyway. His shoes start slipping.] Woah, woah! What's up with my shoes? [Sonic slams into a wall, and picks himself up.] Ugh! I'm not used to all these walls. [Sonic looks around himself] And where are my Rings? [Two Eggforcers approach Sonic, and begin firing laser blasts. Sonic defeats them both with a jumping Spin Attack, although no Flickies emerge.] Robots without Flickies? Now, that's new. [More Eggforcers arrive and shoot lasers, narrowly missing Sonic. Sonic dashes off again, but is blocked by a transport vehicle.] Whoa! [Sonic takes a sharp turn, causing some of the Eggforcers to slam into the vehicle.] Wha...! [Sonic dodges another vehicle, but begins slipping towards another one, which quickly approaches.] Whaah! No, no, no, no, no, no! [Sonic slides inter the vehicle, and continues running while avoiding lasers.] This is not. Working! I gotta get off the ground! [Sonic takes a running jump off a vehicle and grabs onto the underside of a monorail. It brings him to the top of a building, with the Eggforces still in pursuit firing lasers. Sonic barely dodges them.] Whoa! Aah! Uhh...! [Sonic notices a giant machine lowering a new floor onto a building. He jumps off the monorail, and lands on the building, with the new floor lowering above him. His shoes start slipping again. The Eggforcers follow Sonic, chasing him to the edge of the building. Sonic dodges laser fire, and jumps off just before the new floor is added, crushing the Eggforcers.] [Screams] [Sonic is thrown from the building by the explosion, and he performs a Spin Attack to land safely on the streets. A camera watches him.] [Cuts to a lab, where Rusty Rose is watching Sonic through the camera in real-time.] Sonic: [on screen] Smog, concrete, evil robots. It's like everything I hate all in one place! [Cuts back to directly showing Sonic] Sonic: [confused] Where am I? [Sonic gasps upon seeing a wall with a checkered texture similar to the soil of Green Hill.] Oh, no! [Sonic dashes off through the city and up a tall building, in a panicked fashion.] Please be wrong. Please be wrong! [Upon reaching the top, Sonic jumps and spins, launching himself in the air, and allowing him a view of the city. Sonic looks down to see a checkered loop-de-loop.] The Loop-de-Loop... [Sonic remembers a similar loop from Green Hill, before darting his eyes to another part of the city.] Hedgehog's Pass... [Sonic is showing thinking of Hedgehog's Pass in Green Hill. His gaze then shifts to a small building, with Sentry Drones heading towards it.] and that should be Tails' lab! [An image of Tails' Lab in Green Hill flashes on the screen. Sonic begins falling.] Aw, Tails, what happened? [Scene change, Green Hill, day, past. Text appears reading "Before PRISM Shatter". Tails is flying the Tornado through the area.] [Cuts to Sonic fighting the Eggcrusher on a cliff. Several Buzz Bombers fly past.] Sonic: Come on, Egghead, show me what you got! Dr. Eggman: [Chuckles] That's the spirit, rodent... the spirit of a loser! [The Eggcrusher raises its first, and brings it crashing down. Sonic dodges.] Sonic: Takes one to know one. Ha! [Sonic dodges another strike, and attacks the mech with a spin.] [Cuts to Amy and Knuckles, who are fighting Burrobots at the foot of the cliff.] Amy: Why do I feel like Eggman's keeping us off the main stage? Knuckles: Eggman's got us fighting the Badniks so he can have Sonic all to himself. Amy: Let's go crash his show! [Amy and Knuckles jump up terrain leading to the cliff, and destroy the Burrobots there.] Sonic: [Laughs] [Dodges a another strike, landing on the fist, which is stuck in the mountainside.] One scrambled egg, coming up. [Sonic performs a Spin Attack, knocking the Eggcrusher backwards, and leaving it teetering on the edge of the cliff. Eggman's can be heard screaming and groaning.] [Tails watches the situation from the air, in the Tornado.] Tails: Hmm. I don't like this. Dr. Eggman's too smart not to realize how terribly positioned he is. [Tails brings up a handheld device, which shows a scan of the mech's outline, and makes a beeping noise.] It's almost like he's... [gasp] ...He's not in there. Dr. Eggman: [to Sonic] Quaking in your tiny shoes at the might of my Eggcrusher? It's understandable. I'm rather astounding. Sonic: In your dreams! You bring it, I break it, Eggman. That's the game [Sonic performs a short dance], and I'm still the undefeated numero uno. Dr. Eggman: [angry] Then put your quills where your mouth is, unless you're scared! [The Eggcrusher moves its fingers in mock fear.] Tails: [gasps] [Tails quickly flies the Tornado in, and fires several blasts at the Eggcrusher, before swooping away again.] Dr. Eggman: [grunts] Tails: [yelling] It's a trap, Sonic! It's a trap! Sonic: [Sonic glances around] I don't see a trap, though I guess by definition I wouldn't see a trap if there was one. Dr. Eggman: [laughs maniacally] Sonic: Something funny, egghead? Dr. Eggman: You are! Watching you try to think with that two-cent brain of yours is hilarious! Tails: [yelling] Sonic! You gotta listen! It's a trap! Dr. Eggman: [Eggman grunts, and fires several small blasts at the Tornado, followed by a large red laser, all of which barely miss, while Knuckles and Amy look on.] You're as stupid as your mutant, two-tailed fox friend is ugly. Sonic: [Angry] Oh, you're really asking for it! Dr. Eggman: Yes... I am! Sonic: You can mess with me, Eggman! BUT NO ONE MESSES WITH MY BEST FRIEND!!! [Sonic dashes off from his vantage point.] Tails: Sonic! No! [Sonic jumps off the ledge, and spins directly downwards towards the Eggcrusher. He knocks it off the lower edge, and continues spinning, driving it toward the ground, while Amy, Tails, and Knuckles watch, aghast. Soon, Sonic rams the Eggcrusher to the ground, creating a massive blue wave of energy, which spreads across the entirety of Green Hill, knocking residents off their feet, and causing Big the Cat to drop his rod while fishing.] Big: Ohh! [Froggy makes a croaking sound.] [From afar, Shadow witnesses the blast in annoyance.] [Back at the foot of the cliff, a large crater is now under the remains of the Eggcrusher. A newly-formed fault line travels from the crater, up the Temple Mountain, to its peak, where it breaks a large portion of, leaving a visible cracked wall. Sonic is shown on top of the Eggcrusher's remains.] Sonic: [panting] Whoa! Didn't know I had that in me. [Sonic starts gleefully dancing.] That's what you get for messing with my friends, Egghead! [Sonic looks inside the cockpit, but only finds a mysterious device.] Huh? Wh-where's Eggman? He must have ejected. Well, looks like we win again. [shouting] Tails! He's not even in here. Lame, right? [chuckles] [Tails looks on in annoyance.] Too chicken to face us in person. Whatevs! Couldn't have done it without ya, buddy! [Tails flies away in the Tornado.] Huh. [Knuckles and Amy arrive at the former scene of the fight.] Knuckles: Whoa, Tails looks upset. Amy: [worried] And Tails never gets upset. [Cuts to next scene. Eggman emerges from behind a palm tree holding a communications device, with Orbot and Cubot at his side.] Dr. Eggman: It worked! Without the power of that blue buffoon, we would have had to dig for months. Thank you for the earthquake, Sonic, and thank me for my plan, which went off spectacularly. Cubot: And it worked, too! Dr. Eggman: [angry] Of course it worked! I just said that! Ugh, let's go. Papa wants his Prism. [Eggman walks away, tossing the communication device behind him, where it bounces off Orbot's head and hands in the robot's right hand. Orbot and Cubot follow Eggman.] [Scene change: Tails' Lab, day] [Sonic dashes up to the lab, which has its garage door shut. Sonic inputs the code "1992" on the keypad outside, and the door opens. Tails is seen inside typing on a keyboard. Sonic slowly walks up to him, holding comic books.] Sonic: Yo! How's my genius friend? Tails: [tired] Hey, Sonic. Sonic: I brought you some comics. Tails: [tired] Thanks, Sonic, you can put them over there. [Tails gestures behind him.] Sonic: [chuckles] How about a little break from the big brain stuff? Tails: I can't. Something's not right. I gotta figure out what Eggman is up to. Sonic: [sadly walks up to Tails, and places the comic books on the lab's table. He then spins Tails' chair around so the fox is facing him.] Sorry, Tails. I didn't mean to upset you. In fact, I've never seen you so upset. I just kinda got into the moment and... Tails: Sonic, it's cool. Really. [relieved] But thanks. I appreciate it. [short pause] Don't you think it was weird that Eggman wasn't in the Eggcrusher? Sonic: Uh, not really. I mean, he is a total chicken. But I did find a hunk of junk in the cockpit where his big butt shoulda been. Tails: Hunk of junk, huh? Wonder if that was all part of the trap? [quickly] Tell me you didn't toss it in the barge of Badnik parts. Sonic: [looks up nervously] Uh... [dashes off, and returns just as fast, holding the Speed Amplifier] Junk speedy delivery! You smash it, we dash it! Tails: [grabs the Speed Amplifier] Whoa, lemme see that! It wasn't a trap, it was a trick. You've never created a blast that destructive. [A flashback clip is shown of Sonic defeating the Eggcrusher, with the Speed Amplifier activating right before the explosion.] I think that this device was some sort of Speed Amplifier. Long story short, he used your speed against you! Rouge: [offscreen] The fox is on to something. Sonic: Huh? [Sonic and Tails look towards the direction of the voice to see Rouge sitting above in a rafter of the lab.] Sonic and Tails: Rouge? Sonic: How did you get in here? Rouge: He played you for a fool, Blue. Sonic: Pfft! Please! Tails: What would he need a massive explosion in that area for? Rouge: Well... I have a hunch. [Rouge spreads her wings and gently floats down to Sonic and Tails.] You see, I've been searching for years for a super rare and shiny gem called the Paradox Prism. Sonic: Paradox Prism? [Sonic and Tails look at each other in confusion.] Rouge: Legend speaks of untold power, and it's buried deep within the Green Hill bedrock. My guess is that he used your power against you to try to find it. Sonic: Fascinating. But what I really want to know is, how did you get in here? Rouge: [flatly] You left the door open. [Sonic and Tails glance at the Lab's door, which is wide open.] Rouge: Gather your crew and meet me at the top of the loop-de-loop. [excitedly] Let's find out what Eggman is up to. [Scene change: Green Hill Temple Mountain, evening.] [The camera pans towards the summit of the mountain, showing several Caterkillers which are collectively deploying a artificial cloud around it. At the top, Eggman, Orbot, Cubot, a mech, and several Burrobots lie outside a cracked mountain face.] Dr. Eggman: At last. The Paradox Prism! So close. [Eggman peers through one of the cracks, gazing into the cavern behind.] It was only a rumor for so long, and now inches from my grasp. Countless times I have tried to modernize this hunk of earth only to be defied by that simpleton Sonic. Now, it's finally going to happen. And it's all the sweeter because the blue baboon handed me this prize... [Eggman claps, and walks onto the hand of his mech. The hand raises, and one finger forms a small bridge, which Eggman walks across to enter the cockpit.] ...without realizing it. So, thank you, Sonic. For now, I stand at the summit of- Orbot: Of the mountain. Dr. Eggman: ...of a new age! The age of- Cubot: Pretty lights? Dr. Eggman: ...the age of the Eggman Empire! [Eggman readies the mech, while the Badniks congregate behind it.] Orbot and Cubot: [look at each other] Ooh! Catchy. Dr. Eggman: [Using the Mech's strength, Eggman breaks down the cracked wall leading to the cavern, and walks offscreen into into the new passageway.] And now... [screams] [a large crash is heard, and Orbot and Cubot look through the entrance to see Eggman's mech flat on the ground of the cave. Eggman steps out of the mech.] Why didn't you idiots tell me how big that first step was?! Orbot: Sorry, Boss. Dr. Eggman: [Eggman gets back in the mech, activates its lights, and brings it to its feet again. He slowly walks it through the cave, shining its spotlight on surfaces.] Where is it? I know you're here somewhere. [The light shines on the paradox prism, casting multicolored rays across the cavern. Eggman chuckles, and laughs maniacally.] [Scene change: Green Hill Loop-De-Loop, evening.] [Sonic and co. Are standing on top of the loop, gazing at the Temple Mountain.] Tails: I think Rouge is right. Eggman picked that spot for a reason. [Tails points to the site where the Eggcrusher was defeated at.] Why else would he hide a power amplifier in his own Eggcrusher? Knuckles: So we start at the scene of the crime. Amy: Exactly. Let's go investigate and see if anything might lead us to this Paradox Prism you guys are talking about. [Scene change: New Yoke City, present] [Sonic continues falling from the building.] Sonic: Paradox Prism. Right. That's what Eggman was after. How? [Sonic lands flat on the ground with a thud, and groans. On-screen text appears reading "NOW".] No, no, no. [Sonic sees a wall adorned with the Chaos Council's symbol, and begins walking towards it.] I didn't leave Green Hill. This is Green Hill. He did it? I don't know how he did it, but he did it. [defeated] Eggman won. [The eyes on the symbol glow bright red, and sound a siren. Several Eggforcers arrive, and fire lasers.] That would mean... Badniks. I gotta find Tails! [Sonic dashes off. Another camera is shown watching him.] [Cuts to the same lab as before, where Rusty Rose is again watching Sonic through the camera in real-time.] Sonic: [on screen] Badniks. I gotta find Tails! [A light flashes on in the lab's hallway, and the shadow of Mister Doctor Eggman is projected onto the scene. Rusty Rose begins watching footage of Sonic's earlier actions in New Yoke City.] Rusty Rose: [to Sonic] Who are you? Mister Doctor Eggman: [offscreen] More ungrateful rebels? Rusty Rose: No. Something new. Not in the databanks. [Rusty Rose types on the control panel in front of her, and a visual of Sonic's energy profile is brought up.] Its energy profile is... intriguing. The Unidentified Running Organism has outrun the Eggforcers and is heading towards Babble's area. [Babble's logo is shown of a screen of the panel.] [Cuts to next scene. Sonic is dashing through Babble's area of the city. He runs straight by a citizen being threatened by a gray Eggforcer. The Eggforcer notices Sonic, and gives chase.] Sonic: Finding Tails would be a lot easier if everything was covered in grass and palm trees, like it should be. [Dr. Babble in his mech hovers down right in front of Sonic, who skids to a halt.] Whoa! [The mech drops to the ground with a thud.] Sonic: Eggman, finally! I don't know what you did, and I don't know how you did it, but I'm gonna kick your Ro-butt! [Babble laughs and presses the button on the door of his mech suit, causing the color roulette to start, much to Sonic's confusion. The color roulette slows down and lands on the yellow icon. The baby rattle shaped mace arm appears out of the funnel of the mech suit's arm as Babble shakes it.] Sonic: What is that, a baby rattle? Not exactly scary... [Babble uses his mech suit to uppercut Sonic, sending him flying to the wall as Babble continues laughing. The purple icon on Babble's mech starts ringing as the mace-arm retracts as Babble crawls towards Sonic. Sonic attempts to run, but his shoes slip.] Sonic: Whoa! Come on, shoes! [Babble leaps at Sonic, barely missing. Sonic jumps over Babble, and continues running.] Ha ha! [Sonic's shoes slip again, sending him into a wall.] Ow! [Sonic jumps another punch from Babble, and runs up the mech's arm, but slips again. He picks himself up and continues dodging, then runs up a building, allowing him to slam down on Babble, Knocking the mech on its back helpless. Sonic circles the mech at high speed, creating a tornado which spins it around into the air. Then Sonic's shoes slip again, causing Sonic to veer off into a wall.] Whoa! Unh! Babble: [Whines as his mech drops to the ground and slides into a wall.] Sonic: [Runs up to the mech.] Okay, Eggy, you tell me what you did and how to fix it! [The cockpit opens, revealing Babble's true nature as a baby.] Whoa! You really are a baby. What in the name of Green Hill's going on? [Sonic dashes off, confused.] [The cockpit on Babble's mech closes again, and the mech springs into action again, pursuing Sonic through the city, and slamming into several walls along the way. The color roulette begins spinning again, while Babble makes baby noises.] Sonic: Ugh! Sorry, kid, I don't bust up babies. [Sonic looks in front of him, and sees several Security Drones dragging citizens into a large pipe.] Go home, change your diaper, think about your choices, and tell Eggman I'll deal with him later. Right now, I got a fox friend to find! [Sonic quickly changes direction, running into the pipe.] [Babble attempts to follow, but doesn't fit in due to the size of his mech, and is instead stuck in the opening. Babble reaches the mech's hand through, but fails to grab anything. He whines, as several Eggforcers arrive to pull him out. Babble starts crying and punches one Eggforcer away in a fit. From a ledge above, Rebel Rouge and Renegade Knucks witness the situation.] Rebel Rouge: He's fast, powerful, and hates the egg. We gotta follow this guy. Renegade Knucks: I don't know, Rebel. [shrugs] What if we follow him right into the hands of the Chaos Council? Feels like a trap. Rebel Rouge: When have I ever steered us wrong? [short pause] Rhetorical question. [Scene change: New Yoke City, Subway tunnel] [Sentry Drones fly past, carrying captured citizens. Sonic follows close behind. Soon, they arrive at the Scareport, and Sonic jumps off the tracks onto a platform.] PA Voice: Departing trainsport [sic] from Circle Station arriving in the Scareport... [A wider view of the area is shown. Several monorails are present nearby, as well as tubes leading to other parts of the city.] Sonic: Oh, man, I could really use a familiar face right about now. [Sonic looks around, and notices a citizen resembling Tails with mechanical tails, who enters one of the tubes.] Tails? Buddy? [Sonic dashes off after "Tails". After exiting the pipe, Sonic weaves through the crowd in an attempt to keep up.] Tails! Tails! ["Tails" moves around a corner into a tunnel. Sonic follows, but finds no sign of him.] Wait, what? Hmm. [Sonic slowly walks through the tunnel, until he notices a door and keypad resembling those on Tails' Lab.] Huh! I knew you were here somewhere. Please be the same. Mmm... [Sonic types "1992" into the keypad. The door clanks, and slides open.] Tails, you crafty fox. [Sonic walks into the room.] Finally something around here makes sense. [Sonic notices the devices and equipment in the room.] Weird. Nothing about this is like Tails' workshop. [Sonic notices "Tails" typing away on a control panel.] Yes! There's my two-tailed genius friend. [Sonic spins around the chair "Tails" is sitting on.] Surprise! Tails Nine: [Gasps, raises his wrench aggressively, and growls.] Sonic: Tails! It's me, your best, uh... Tails Nine: [walks forwards slowly and aggressively] What did you just call me? [presses a button on his belt, extending all seven of his mechanical tails.] Sonic: Uh... Tails? Tails Nine: The name's... [screaming] NINE!!! [Nine jumps into the air, and pounces at Sonic, who barely dodges. Nine begins climbing the wall of the room.] What do you want? Who sent you? [Nine climbs to the ceiling, and redirects the lamp to shine on Sonic brightly. Sonic is momentarily blinded, allowing for Nine to drop down and knock Sonic across the room.] [Sonic falls onto some cylindrical containers. He picks one off himself, and begins dodging Nine's rapid strikes.] Sonic: Whoa! Heck! How many tails do you have? Tails Nine: Nine! [Sonic gets to his feat, and kicks Nine away. Nine dashes back, and grabs Sonic's legs with his robotic tails. He then swings Sonic around, tossing him out of the room and over the subway tracks. A monorail speeds by at that exact moment, catching Sonic on the roof of its cars. Nine quickly grabs on. As the monorail speeds through the Tunnel, Nine continues fighting Sonic, chasing him across cars.] Sonic: Tails, stop! We're buds! Amigos! [Sonic spins off the monorail, and onto the beam it runs along.] Best friends! Tails Nine: [jumps off the monorail onto the beam, and charges at Sonic] I have no friends! Sonic: [dodging Nine's strikes while slowly walking backwards] "No friends"? You have the best friends. [Another monorail speeds by, and Sonic and Nine jump onto it. At a platform below, a Rebel Denizen is seen recording the situation on a device, which has Rebel Rouge on the line.] Rebel Denizen: Target located. We're at the Scareport. [Cuts to a building in New Yoke City. Rebel Rouge and Renegade Knucks are operating from on top of it.] Rebel Rouge: Loud and clear. On our way. [Rebel Rouge spreads her wings, and flies off. Renegade Knucks follows close behind.] [Cuts back to Sonic and Nine, fighting on the monorail. Tails Nine suddenly hops in front of Sonic, and continues attacking.] Sonic: [dodging] You've been working out? Who's your trainer? [Sonic is his by a strike from Nine.] Ow! Tails Nine: I was trained by the misery of life and this foul and heartless city. [charges directly at Sonic, hurling him backwards] Sonic: Snap out of it! We go way back. [Sonic hops off the monorail and onto another one passing by on the second track, speeding in the opposite direction. Nine follows.] All my best memories of Green Hill have you in 'em, and you're not punching me. [Nine lunges at Sonic again. Sonic continues dodging my jumping around the monorail. Soon, they both jump off onto the beam the second monorail runs along. Sonic slowly backs up as Nine crawls forwards] Don't you want to go home? Blue skies, sunny beaches, palm trees? [Another rebel is seen recording the incident from a platform below. Another monorail speeds by, and Sonic and Nine jump on it. Nine continues crawling forwards.] Tails Nine: I don't know what kind of mind games you're playing, but it won't work! [Nine lunges at Sonic, who dodges, causing Nine to slip and topple off the monorail. Nine manages to grab on with two of his tails, leaving him dangling from the side with his other tails scraping the ground.] Whoa! [As Nine attempts to climb back up, and horn blares, headlight shine directly at him signifying another monorail approaching swiftly on the other track. Just before the other monorail would hit Nine, Sonic spins into action, and grabs nine out of harm's way, leaping though the air to a platform, which they land on and tumble across, before coming to a halt.] [panting] You saved me? Sonic: I've been trying to tell you that we are friends. Tails Nine: [angry] Fabricated stories won't keep me from beating you back, intruder! Sonic: Stop! Just....stop. We're friends. Best friends. This has to ring a bell. From the very moment we first met, you were a happy, brainy little fox doing happy, brainy little fox things. [A pixelated flashback is shown of Tails walking through Emerald Hill Zone. Two bully foxes jump out from behind a bush. One pulls on Tails' tails, while the other jeers.] Some blockhead bullies were picking on you for having an extra tail. I ran by, and they lost interest in being jerks. [In the flashback, Sonic runs by, knocking the bullies out of the way. Sonic winks at Tails as he continues running, and Tails flashes a thumbs up gesture before flying after Sonic.] Tails Nine: How do you know about that? That's not how it happened... and you weren't there. [Another pixelated flashback is shown of Nine walking through New Yoke City.] I was a kid, minding my business but not minding my surroundings. [Like before, Two bully foxes jump out from behind a bush. One pulls on Nine's tails, while the other jeers.] Some creeps came along and picked on me for having one extra tail. [Nine is shown crying and running from several shadowy representations of his aggressors.] I took a beating. [Nine is shown alone in a white room, cowering in fear.] It was the same for years, until I used my cunning fox brain to give me a real way to fight back. [Nine is shown in a lab, wearing a welding mask and using a welder on something. More shadowy representations of his aggressors are seen in the background. The flashback then cuts to another scene, where Nine has finished his work. Seven robotic tails extend from behind him.] I take care of myself and need no one. Period. [shouting] No one has friends here. Why do you think I live down here? To avoid everyone... you included. [Nine sits down in annoyance.] Sonic: [confused] Doesn't make sense. You are Tails, but you're not. Here, but gone? [short silence] Tails Nine: what else did we do? Sonic: [stops pondering the situation, and turns to Nine.] Well, first of all, you have the coolest plane. Tails Nine: [confused] I do? Sonic: It's called...."The Tornado". [Sonic starts running and punching in place. His shoes glow brightly.] And we fought and busted Eggman like, so many times, I've lost track. Tails Nine: You mean the Chaos Council? Sonic: No, I mean Eggman. Tails Nine: So, Mr. Doctor Eggman, then? Sonic: Sure. Sounds good. Look, we've had our share of ups and downs, but when we stick together, we never lose. [Sonic pats Nine on the back.] And when all's said and done, there's no better reward than sharing a chili dog with your best pal. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. We've got a lifetime of adventures and memories together. Tails Nine: Um, I... I think your shoes are smoldering. [points down at Sonic's shoes] Sonic: [looks down in surprise] Of course they are. What else can go wrong in this crazy place? [Sonic sits down in frustration.] Tails Nine: The only thing I despise more than people in my space is whiners. [One of Nine's robotic tails places a gun-like device in his arms. Nine points it at Sonic.] Sonic: [panicked] Wait! I thought we just had a bonding moment. Tails Nine: Stay still. [Nine activates the device. It shoots a cyan light which Nine gradually directs down Sonic's body, stopping at his shoes. The gun then projects a holographic display of Sonic's energy levels, which Nine reads.] Curious. There's low-level energy throughout your entire body. But possibly a Regulator could... Follow me! [Nine uses his mechanical tails to crawl off. Sonic follows.] [Scene change: Nine's lab] [Sonic is examining Nine's inventions, while the fox types away at a computer.] Sonic: I, uh, like them by the way. Tails Nine: Those ratty old sneakers? Obviously. Sonic: No, I mean I always thought your extra tail was cool, but the metal ones? Man, you're amazing. Tails Nine: Uh, sure. One last touch. [Nine swivels his chair around to face Sonic. He hands Sonic four Regulators.] Attach these. They might be able to regulate the excess energy coming off your gear so the don't explode. Sonic: "Might"? Tails Nine: This energy is still a mystery. [Nine attaches a Regulator to each of Sonic's gloves, and a Regulator to each of his shoes.] [The Regulators begin to glow with blue energy, and make a mechanical whirring sound. Sonic and Nine watch in suspense. Suddenly, Sonic glows brightly, and his shoes and gloves transform into more stylized forms.] Sonic: Whoa! What are these? [dashes back and forth] No energy overflow, and the look. [Sonic gazes appreciatively at his new attire.] I mean, come on. Mwah! Tails Nine: Ah, curious. They're still your gloves and shoes, only now they seem to have attuned with the energy in your body instead of resisting it. I wonder why that is. Sonic: [dashes up to Nine] Oh-ho, these are killer! No more slipping and sliding, no smoke. Thanks, Tails. I mean, Nine. Time for a test drive. [dashes out of the lab] Tails Nine: No, wait, you dope! It's not safe. [Sonic emerges from a pipe in the streets of New Yoke City. Nine follows close behind.] Sonic: Hey, if the mad scientist/loner thing doesn't work out, you should get into fashion accessories. Stylin'! Tails Nine: Shhh! We need to maintain a low profile. The Council has eyes everywhere. Sonic: [slowly walking backwards] When you get your memory back, you'll remember that low profile isn't my thing. Want to run up the walls? Tails Nine: What? No! [Suddenly, both Sonic and Tails are grabbed by the first of Babble's mech, which emerges from behind a corner. Several Eggforcers arrive.] Babbles: [baby talk] [Babbles holds Sonic and Tails threateningly near the cockpit of his mech.] Sonic: Ugh. Not the baby. Tails Nine: I told you to keep a low profile. Sonic: No, you didn't. Tails Nine: Yes, I did. Sonic: No, you didn't. Tails Nine: Yes, I did. [Babble's mech blasts off, with Sonic and Tails still in its left fist. The Eggforcers follow.] Sonic: No, you didn't. Tails Nine: Are you sure we were best friends? [From atop a building, Renegade Knucks and Rebel Rouge watch.] Renegade Knucks: Blue Streak has a friend? Rebel Rouge: Didn't look friendly. But whoever he is, he's involved now. [clenches fist] [Cuts to a giant building in New Yoke City, adorned with the logo of the Chaos Council. Inside, Sonic's limbs are restrained by electronic shackles from a restraining device. The room is in total darkness. Footsteps are heard.] Sonic: Who's there? Hello? Hello? [A bright light suddenly shines directly at Sonic.] [grunts] Ow! A little warning. Man, that's bright. [blinks a few times as his eyes begin to water. He begins to notice this.] Hello? Tissue? [A door opens, and in walk two Eggforcers, along with a captured Nine.] Tails Nine: You're wasting your breath. Sonic: Nine, is that you? [Sonic's vision is shown to be blurred.] Are you the small blurry thing or the medium blurry thing? [Rust Rose walks by] Or the big blurry... [gasps] Amy?! Amy! All right. Now we're getting somewhere. Got a key? Rusty Rose: [types at a computer] Negative. My identification is... Rusty Rose. Sonic: [aghast] You're a robot! Rusty Rose: No. Mechanically enhanced. Survival required adaptation, as you will soon learn. Sonic: Oh, Amy. Rusty Rose: Rusty Rose. Cease talking. You will need all the breath you can muster if you are to survive. [The door opens, and five figures on hovering chairs enter, obscured by the shadows.] Sonic: More silhouettes? Who does your lighting? Rusty Rose: The Chaos Council. [presses a key, turning on a spotlight on above Dr. Done-It] Dr. Done-It. Dr. Done-It: [grumbles and his sleep, then wakes up] I'm awake, I'm awake. Go on, you were saying. Rusty Rose: [presses a key, turning on a spotlight on above Dr. Deep] Dr. Deep. Dr. Deep: The philosophical ramifications of this discovery rock my very core. Rusty Rose: [presses a key, turning on a spotlight on above Dr. Don't] Dr. Don't. Dr. Don't: [playing on a handheld gaming system] Whatevs. Rusty Rose: And you have already met the baby, Dr. Babble. [Presses a key, turning on a spotlight on above Dr. Babble.] Dr. Babble: [babbling angrily] Sonic: That is the angriest baby I've ever met. Rusty Rose: And finally, Mr. Dr. Eggman. [Presses a key, turning on a spotlight on above Mr. Dr. Eggman.] Sonic: [to Nine] Oh, so that's who you were talking about! [Nine rolls his eyes] Mr. Dr. Eggman: By the dumbfounded look in your eyes, I gather you've come to grips with the gravity of your situation. Sonic: "The Council"? Looks like an Eggman family reunion. When did you call in reinforcements, Eggy? Mr. Dr. Eggman: We are not a family, rodent. We are The Council. One makes five. [the four other members of the council move their chairs directly behind Mr. Dr. Eggman's, making it the only one visible. Then, they move them back.] Five makes one. Chaos Council: [laugh maniacally] Sonic: [groans] So many Eggmans, so many questions. [sighs] Does anyone have an aspirin? Dr. Done-It: [angry] How could you not know?! Dr. Don't: We're famous. Mr. Dr. Eggman: We are what we are. Always have been, always will be. Dr. Done-It: So this creature made all that fuss? [moves his chair up to Sonic] Doesn't look like much... [pokes Sonic with his cane] ...To... [pokes Sonic with his cane again] ...Me. [pokes Sonic with his cane a third time.] Sonic: Hey! I respect creaky old stuff, but poke me again, and I'll crack your antique shell, Egg-gramps. Dr. Babble: [points at Sonic, and babbles] Mr. Dr. Eggman: [to Babble] I told you. It seems to know who we are, yet we have no information on it in our databanks. Sonic: "It"? Really? Dr. Deep: Like it popped into existence from nowhere. Sonic: What? I've been here the whole time, dude. Rusty Rose: Perhaps answers lie in the energy signature the creature exhibits. [Rusty Rose presses a key, and footage from earlier of Sonic outrunning Eggforcers plays on a TV screen in the room.] May I suggest a series of grueling life-endangering diagnostic tests? Sonic: Not helping, Amy. You know I don't do well on tests. Dr. Done-It: Those in favor of stress-testing this blue rabbit, say yes. [All of the Chaos Council members except Dr. Don't raise their hands.] Mr. Dr. Eggman: Oh, yes, please. Dr. Babble: [Babbles happily] [Instead of raising his hand, Dr. Don't presses a "yes" button on his device. The device restraining Sonic is lifted off from its base, and placed in a sealed chamber with a glass wall for the Chaos Council to watch through.] Sonic: Hey, hey! Mr. Dr. Eggman: Rusty, put him through the paces. Let's see how powerful he is. [Rusty Rose presses a key on the access panel. Sonic grunts, and struggles against the electronic shackles binding him.] Rusty Rose: Do not fight them. It will only end badly for him. [Rusty Rose points to Nine. An Eggforcer prods him with an electric weapon, electrocuting him.] Tails Nine: [grunts] Sonic: Nine! [Rusty Rose presses a key, and the shackles deactivate, causing Sonic to drop to the floor of the chamber.] Okay, let's start the test. The sooner we do this, the sooner Nine and I can get out of here. [Rusty Rose presses another key, and two laser turrets emerge from opposite walls. One fires at Sonic, and he barely dodges out of the way.] Lasers. I hate lasers. [Both turrets begin firing rapidly, and Sonic continues running to dodge.] Chaos Council: [laugh] Mr. Dr. Eggman: Nice! [Sonic runs up a wall, and rapidly circles the turret there, causing it to lose focus on him. The other turret prepares to fire. Sonic then jumps in the space between the two turrets, causing both to fire. A slow motion shot of Sonic dodging at the last minute is shown, which leads to the laser cannons shooting each other. Mr. Dr. Eggman snaps his fingers, and Rusty Presses a hey to re-capture Sonic. The entire chamber then moves upwards, while Sonic is forced to the one below through a hole in the floor. In the new chamber is a curved conveyor belt. After being released, Sonic runs on the belt, avoiding moving laser beams while the belt ripples and bends. Cuts to another portion where Sonic runs past a crusher and between a set of Spikes to bounce on a Spring. In mid-air, Sonic avoids several more sets of spikes, before landing on a fan, which he runs on to make it rotate and carry him upwards. He then kicks it away, sending it spinning into the crusher, which it cuts in half. Sonic wipes his hands, while the Chaos Council look on in interest. Rusty Rose presses another button, and the shot cuts to Sonic running in a rotating hollow glass sphere with spiked ballss bouncing around inside it.] Sonic: Seriously? A hamster ball? What is wrong with you people? Rusty Rose: [to Chaos Council] The tests are still inconclusive. His maximum limits remain unknown. Dr. Done-It: Make the blue badger run. [Rusty Rose presses a key, and the rotation of the glass sphere speeds up.] Sonic: [grunts] Come on, Amy! Some compassion for your boy Sonic. (grunts) You can't suddenly be this heartless! Rusty Rose: [walks up to the glass barrier of the chamber] Birdie would disagree. [A portion of Rusty Rose's robotic torse opens up, revealing a defeated-looking Birdie inside.] Birdie: [chirps sadly] Sonic: That's so messed up. [gets hit by a Spiked Ball, and tumbles around the sphere] [grunts] Tails Nine: Sonic! [gets electrocuted again by the Eggforcers] Sonic: [running faster and faster] You want to test me, Eggheads? Question: How do you tick off a hedgehog? Answer: Mess with his friends! [Sonic performs a Spin Attack, and begins speeding along the interior of the sphere at rapid speed.] [The computer shows Sonic's energy level rising. A repeated beeping is heard. The Chaos Council (except for Dr. Don't) watches on in interest.] Dr. Don't: I totally call dibs on his quills. Sonic: [grunts] [A mass of blue energy is forming in the sphere] [The computer shows Sonic's energy reaching dangerous levels. The building begins shaking.] Tails Nine: I knew it. He's got the same energy that powers the city. Mr. Dr. Eggman: The energy field is supercharging our systems. [The computer begins to spark. Rusty Rose backs away.] Dr. Done-It: Turns out the blue possum has some juice after all. Sonic: [straining] [The energy generates a great white light. Cuts to Sonic, who can only is still running, and can only see the mass of energy around him. Suddenly, a vision of Shadow appears.] Shadow: Sonic, it's broken! It's all broken! Sonic: Shadow?! Uh-oh. I think I'm starting to hallucinate! [Several short flashbacks are shown: Sonic's defeat of the Eggcrusher, Shadow witnessing the blast, the meeting atop the Loop-De-Loop, and Sonic fighting Shadow. Then, it flashes back to directly after the meeting on the Loop-De-Loop, where Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, Tails, and Rouge are present.] [Scene change: Green Hill, past.] Amy: Let's stick together and we'll... Sonic: Perfect! I'm gonna ring up. Meet you there. [Sonic jumps off the loop, and dashes away.] Amy: Sonic! I guess he didn't hear the "stick together" part. Knuckles: Does he ever? Tails: No. But he also hasn't let us down when it really counts. You know Sonic. He'll catch up at some point. [Cuts to next scene. Knuckles Tails and Amy are flying in the Tornado, with Rouge flying on her own close behind. They fly around the site of the defeated Eggcrusher.] Tails: Wow! Are you guys seeing this? Look at the fault line. It goes right up the mountain! [The fault line's path is shown up to a point on the Temple Mountain, where it can no longer be seen due to a cloud obscuring it.] Knuckles: Ugh. Amy: Anyone noticing that? [points to the cloud] That cloud hasn't moved an inch. Something's unnatural. Tails! Tails: Already on it. [Tails turns the place towards the Temple Mountain and flies up it through the cloud. He notices a hoard of Badniks pointed toward the cavern entrance.] Whoa. Do you think Sonic's in there? Rouge: With all those Badniks still standing? Knuckles: Our pal's not exactly the stealthy type. Tails: We got here before him? How? Amy: Find a spot to land. Let's find out what's going on. [Tails has the Tornado descend.] [Cuts to next scene. Sonic is running through an open area of Green Hill.] Sonic: [chuckles] We can wrap this up before dinner. Mmm. Chili dogs. But first, just in case Eggman gets in a lucky shot, Rings! [Sonic grabs four rows of rings. Suddenly, Shadow appears, and charges directly at Sonic.] Ahhhh! [A stylized slow-motion show of Shadow punching Sonic is shown. Sonic is sent flying. The episode ends with the episode's title showing up on-screen, "Shattered".]