L+ratio+ bozo+ G A Y+L rizz+ I banged your mother+sOyJaCk+ HOR HOR HOR-HOR+ Idk I’m thinking+ Skibidi toilet+ Not sigma enough+ wOkE+ exotic butters+ I cracked my phone case+ My friend snorts fun dip+ I’m depressed as shit+L+DOUBLE RATIO+ skittles bag+ I banged your mother twice just for good measure+Your fortune cookie was empty when you opened it+ Live,love,lie+ Level -1000000 gyatt+ I’m just typing stuff down rn+ NOT og+ Shrek is love, shrek is life+veggie tales+ Yer gay+ racial slurs+ I have now banged your mother three times because you know what they say, “third times the charm!”+ I’m tired+ idk any more= you can’t find a f**kin kid bro 🤣