Alex was playing his when he overheard Corrie talking about being invited to join an army. He doesn't think too much about it. A few hours had passed, and he was getting ready to go to bed, when an emergency broadcast about the Inkperials came on his tv. As he watches, he was horrified from what he saw. Then, he remembers what his sister said.
Alex: Wait- CORRIE!
he rushes out his room to go find his sister hoping she was in her room. He everywhere around the house, but couldn't find her.
Alex: Oh crap... I'm too late!
He decides to go to one of his friend's house, and knocks on their door. A few seconds later, an alien had answered.
???: Hey Ale-
they noticed that he looked shaken up.
???: Alex, what's wrong?
Alex: Starki, I need your help. Corrie's gone missing, and I can't find her.