/>> Ok f**king listen you actual worthl3ss piece of shit. First off it's called a typing quirk not my "E key being broken". Second off I don't think 3veryon3's against me, I KNOW that p3ople like you, v3ni, and gjyg are against me. I hav3 many friends on this sit3 and probably more fri3nds than foes on h3re to b3 fully honest. You think you're so sp3cial, or at least, that's how it f**king LOOKS b3cause you k33p calling me a snowflak3 and "offend3d over 3verything and assum3s the worst in ev3ry possible situation" becaus3 I'm offend3d over you literally using my m3ntal conditions that make most of my lif3 a living hell as a w3ak reinforc3ment for your sorry excus3s of insults. Maybe if you didn't constantly act like a f**king worthless and immature pi3ce of shit and hon3stly a sorry excus3 for a human (and that's low coming from my standards) I wouldn't be so f**king pissed at you for att3mpting to literally use my mental illn3sses and oth3r things that cause me a hug3 burden to r3inforce your sorry 3xcuses for insults. Just a th3ory for you to think about. Like you 3ven have a brain to us3 to think about that theory. I'm f**king don3 with your bullshit and you n33d to stop this bullshit self-entitl3d act. YOU barged into MY POST, insult3d ME bas3d off of YOUR STANDARDS, and then got mad when I told you to f**k off.