One of the best traits that World at War originally had was the feeling of both isolation and survival.
Cold War constantly has people talking to you over a radio, it has kill streaks coming in, you can escape the map via helicopter, and it has huge lore surrounding the dark aether. That’s all well and good (I got pretty into it myself), but that charm of isolation and holding out until you’re dead is lost.
To be fair, I’m sure Black Ops 3 and Black Ops 4 do the same thing. Maybe the idea of holding out like this died with Black Ops 1 or 2. The reason I keep going back to World at War is because it’s all about holding out and surviving as long as you can.
Like I said, Cold War zombies is some of the best ever. It has unlimited sprint, custom classes, way better perk-a-colas, armor, weapon upgrades, crafting equipment, awesome wonder weapons, better pack-a-punch, and a hugely deep progression system that I would kill to have in a game like World at War. But at some point along the line, it lost that feeling of survival.