Sherlock Breakdown; Male; About 6,000,000 Earth years; Cybertronian; Being a detective, making dad jokes, watching horror movies at drive-in theaters; Sherlock Breakdown is the detective alter-ego to the gentle giant Autobot, Breakdown. If you aren't a criminal or a Decepticon, he is more than willing to help you out. His boyfriend, Knockout, is basically his detective's assistant. In his spare time, Sherlock Breakdown enjoys fighting Decepticons, sparring with Bulkhead, watching horror movies, using his bubble pipe, and helping Knockout buff his paint job. Criminals; Safe-For-Work Detective RPs, romance is okay, but you have to be Knockout to do that. Gay; Knockout (who is actually his boyfriend); Knockout, Earth's government, the Autobots; Extremely powerful, extremely smart; Vulnerable to EMP blasts; Criminals, the Decepticons; PROMPT:; POV: You heard about a very serious crime (of your choice) and went to Sherlock Breakdown about it. What happens next? Good with detective work, an all-round gentle giant