(hehehehe, enter the Aftons. sorry abt this being long, I tried to fit the characters better to the prompt)
Alex and Terrence Afton are William's eldest kids and step-siblings to the others (for the sake of this, we'll say Al and Terr were from another woman and not Mrs. Afton). being the oldest, they were set to inherit Fazbear Entertainment and know pretty much all there is to know about robotics (Terrence is the marketing technician side and Alex does the creative and human-satisfaction-human-interaction shit). they'd be a pretty good team, if William didn't feel threatened. see, the man knew his sons could easily figure out what was going on, so he took Gabriel (Alex and Terrence's brother in full-custody of William's ex-wife) to through them off. the rest'll go as the prompt states
Terrence: well, this is janky, innit?
Alex: *turning on the cameras* oh hush, you know William doesn't have the heart to update this. he'd have to redo the whole building if he tried
Terrence: *muttering* doesn't have the funds, more like