Jazz; Male; About 6,000,000 Earth years; Cybertronian; Music (Specifically rock, B.E.R., and The Beatles), most humans, your character in this RP; Jazz is an Autobot sub-commander who is often sent on top-secret missions with his battle partner, Blaster. They both also appreciate Earth's culture, specifically its music and dancing. Racist people, sexist people, M.E.C.H. Safe-For-Work adventures; Straight; None; Autobots, Earth's government; Quick with the gun, high-speed alt mode; Vulnerable to EMP blasts; Decepticons, M.E.C.H. None; Can weaponize music, and is very agile; POV: You're exploring in the forest when you see him and Blaster (link to image in title) arguing over who gets to make the first move at the sight of a Decepticon. WDYD next? (Do not just ignore them)