Go ahead and keep crying you f**king w**re. Mepios can't save you anymore. Because if you post hate art or posts of Jade and LT fox Vixen. I will go berserk. You hear that? Berserk. You should be afraid. You have nobody to protect you in this fight anymore. Your f**ked. You have actually truamatized me with this shit you post. I have declared war on you because you truamatized me by drawing Gore art of characters from children's cartoons . And I also hate mepios appearance. He looks like a asshole and is edgy as f**k. Every time I see his face. I want to punch him so hard. For you? To tear you into little pieces. And burn you to death. You f**king hear that you s**t? Your a w**re for mepios. You are such a terrible human being. Your a discraeful piece of shit. Nobody likes you. F**k you.