Character reactions: Accidentally/intentionally killing an Inkperial; Name; Accident (Caught in splash damage, stepped in line of fire ETC.); Intentionally (Nothing nearby, direct hit, Melee swing, ETC; "Oh boy, that's not good..."; 185; "TAKE THAT YOU STORMTROOPER WANNABE!"; "Uhh, they got in the way."; "DOWN WITH OPPRESSION! DOWN WITH DICTATORSHIP! DOWN WITH ALL THINGS EVIL!"; Reddit Cam; "Oh come on, not again."; "Come on, where's the challenge if I'm killing these people with no problems? GIVE ME ONE!"; UO; "I may turn down killing worker drones, but I don't turn down killing these dictator lovers!"; "This looks bad for me, especially since I'm still in my Mercenary uniform..."; Vernon Logan