if you want it short, i got sent home for school BUT i didnt get grounded because idk but if ya want it long,
sooo i forgot my happy happy anti-freakout beans when going to school [bad idea] and i was distrupted by a kid [aint gonna say name nuh uh] so i distrupted harder and got sent to the office with my outdoor shoes [k we headin to the climax here] so i went wacko cus i didnt want to go home cus i might get grounded [which i didnt] and my dad was here. he wasnt mad for some reason, he talked to me about if i get sad or angry, get a teacher to tell why im mad and do some strategies for calming down, few mins later, got home, took beans, calm down, and here i am typing this comment right now.
tommorow will be better hopefully.
oh yeah i almost got suspended
for the first time.