Disturbed 6; Nothing here; Like I said a few episodes back, life is a simulation; If you swallow chewing gum, it could stay inside your stomach for 7 years. A poison dart frog can kill about 10 humans in 15 seconds; About 140k years was the longest jail sentence ever; The longest song in history is 639 years long. It started back in 2001, so that means we have 617 years left for all future humans to see; The problem is, I won't get to see it end; If you take your helmet off in space, your head could explode. There is no FBI in Canada; A woman once put mentos in her stomach after drinking soda. But she died due to her stomach exploding; Even though Bluey is an Australian cartoon, the official YouTube channel is banned in Australia unfortunately; I hate to say this, but the chance of death on your birthday increases by 13% every year; 2pac died from a bullet in his chest in 1996; Sometime in July 2023 I once made my foot bleed by slipping on stone stairs. I may be from India, but my origin country supports Russia and I don't know why; Many Africans have no money; The number 666 has something to do with hell; If you touch radiation, you could get your DNA patterns changed. Similar to the previous fact, that happened in Nature's Corruption; Being a surgent is a very tough job, and you need to be careful when doing so; If you got swallowed by a black hole, you would get spaghettified. Your dreams will never become reality. Sad Satan is a video game so creepy it is NOT to be played, EVER.