"Speaking of the Ukrainian claims of slow progress in an offensive that has lost an estimate 75,000 casualties, the official told Hersh: “It’s all lies.”
During the much-anticipated Ukrainian spring offensive, “there were some early penetrations“ of the Russians‘ heavily fortified ‘Maginot Line’, the source told Hersh, “and the Russians retreated to sucker them in. And they all got killed.”
“After weeks of high casualties and little progress, along with horrific losses to tanks and armored vehicles,” the source said, major elements of the Ukrainian army, without declaring so, virtually canceled the offensive,” Hersh reports. “The two villages that the Ukrainian army recently claimed as captured “are so tiny that they could fit between two Burma-Shave signs,” the source said.
The Biden-Obama Regime’s “neocon hostility to Russia” had caused “a significant split in the intelligence community,” Hersh writes, citing a “longstanding disagreement between the CIA and other elements of the intelligence community on the prognosis of the current war in the Ukraine.“
The CIA has been “far more skeptical than their counterparts at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) on the prospect for a Ukraine success,“ Hersh notes, which he says the American media has ignored."