ario battles phoney bone. mario defeats and kills phoney bone.
baller battles donald spy. donald spy defeats and kills baller.
serj tankian the great accidentally steps on his own landmine.
Suicidal_Tendancies eats bleach gummy bottle.
idk (not idk_offcial) gets beat to death by his mother's coat hanger.
mario dies of Ebola.
m&m gets mono and dies.
donald spy chokes on crabapples in his cheeks.
KYS and shade die of AIDS after practicing unsafe dating.
the dog loses circulation looking too tight in those good shorts.
Consider the following guy becomes as orange as Donald Trump and dies of chemical poisoning.
raiden the cat gets forced into BEES and dies.
need a hug eats a poisonous fruit.
goofy lil mass murder becomes as orange as Donald Trump and dies of chemical poisoning.
Duracell becomes as orange as Donald Trump and dies of chemical poisoning.
lego gang accidentally steps on his own landmine.
ObiWON gets crippling depression and dies.
brith day cake's Agrawal star causes hobbes to die of jealousy.
brith day cake is the champion!