Abstinence advocate; P***ography producer; Worships God
Attends church
Respects women
Respects other races
Democracy enjoyer
Touches grass
Loves God
Loves humanity
Going to heaven; Is lost in his sin
Attends orgies
Objectifies women
Often adds racism to p**n
Often communist
Never touches grass
Mocks God
Harms humanity
Is sadly going to hell
if he doesn’t repent; REMEMBER WHAT WE ARE FIGHTING FOR! P***ographers are obsessed with spreading their smut and extremely toxic towards their opponents. Anti-p**nography and a woman? Expect sexism from p**nographers.
Anti-p**nography and religious? Expect blasphemy from p**nographers.
Anti-p**nography and an ethnic minority? Expect slurs from p**nographers. P**nographers try to divide and demotivate.
When dealing with a p**nographer, no matter how many insults they throw at you, NEVER SURRENDER! For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of
power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
- 2 Timothy 1:7