Let me clear this up for you buddy.
Furries (most of them at least-) are just people who decided to dress/draw/whatever humanoid animals. Not f*cking them.
Zoophiles are that PLUS f*cking them and/or drawing themselves or someone else f*cking them.
Now, kindly dont assume that every single person with the slight thought of being/dressing as/ drawing an animal is a zoophile. Also, saying “im gonna kill people” doesnt set a good example and makes you just look like a complete and utter dumbass. And that goes for all the rest of the other anti-furrs who think that killing is a good thing. If i were to go to the police right now and show them your guys’ nonsense, that wouldnt be taken like “LMFAO this guy!” Even if they were an anti-furr themselves.
And before you say “your just saying stuff because your a furry!! Some furries suck shit” or whatever little f**k your brain will come up with, and yes. That is 100% true besides me being a furry myself. SOME furries are bad. SSSOOOOME. not all. Please leave furries alone unless they ACTUALLY do something zoophile-ish or start to hurt/bully you yourself. :]