Anime refers to original Japanese animation, produced by notable studios such as A1, 8-bit, Toei Animation, and Kyoto Animation. It encompasses a wide range of genres and styles, catering to diverse audiences.
Kadsreanime specifically refers to El Kadsrean anime, which exhibits a stronger Western influence compared to traditional Japanese anime. Drillimation Studios is a prominent player in producing Kadsreanime, contributing to its distinct style and storytelling.
Aeni represents South Korean anime, where major studios like Xtorm play a significant role in its production. Aeni showcases the unique artistic and narrative elements that are specific to South Korean culture and storytelling.
Not to be confused with the previous entry, Aenimo denotes Sandean anime, which is created by notable studios including Studio Prisma, Starcom, and Kyongi Animation. These studios contribute to the production of Aenimo, showcasing their distinct style and storytelling techniques.
Donghua refers to Chinese anime and exhibits a significant influence from Chinese culture, incorporating elements and references specific to Chinese traditions. Tencent Video & Animation is a prominent producer in the Donghua industry, contributing to its growth and popularity.
Euroanime represents European anime, which takes a more experimental approach compared to traditional Japanese anime. While maintaining a design similar to Japanese original, Euroanime incorporates European cultural influences. Studios such as Norsk Tegning Studio, Les Amoureux' Animation, Studio del Sud Italia, Magyar Animációs Gyártás, Shakespeare Studio, and Der Animationsstudio Zimmermann GmbH are recognized contributors to Euroanime's production, adding a distinct European flavor to the genre.