WAZZAPPS; Wazz Apps; Pug; Changes in promo-art; Old background of the fourth and third eras; Purple-pink Hungry Biomass; Chimera's ship; W letter; Old interface; Early animations; Replacing creatures with cyborgs glitch; Chicken; Yellow spinner; My 3D Printer; Old designs of Flying Brain, Lord of the Stars, Intergalactic Thing and Spacetime Egg; Ripoffs; White squares glitch; Paul Neba; Ichthyostega from the presentation in game; Human Evolution 2048; Characters can breathe in space; A scientist is not a person; People in bondage; Hungry Biomass is an Exomorph from Alien Evolution Clicker; Infinite number of creatures on the Genesis era bug; Human Evolution wiki; as; Ichthyostega in Genesis era glitch; Human Evolution is a time loop; The games Human Evolution, Alien Evolution, My 3D Printer and Cat Evolution are connected and take place in the same universe