I didn’t mean to say that men can’t b emotional or compassionate. I meant to day that in a culture of toxic masculinity, growing up “female” he wad more allowed to exercise all these so called feminine qualities, so he’s more comfortable acting the way he does bc it’s how he grew up. Sorry if I negatively stereotyped men. wasn’t my intention. Not many guys are comfortable being soft, intuitive, caring, all the things considered feminine bc we socialize boys to be hard, rough, unemotional, aggressive, domineering, all so called masculine traits. There is a gendered issue with socializing girls one way and boys in another way both damaging to everyone. With you thinking i said guys are a$$holes, think of it as SB being a clear case of boys can absolutely be soft, emotional, kind, caring (“femme” qualities) if we help them develop these skills. SB was a “girl” so he was more allowed to be the way he is. I hope i’m making sense. And with the long lashes - typical of female cartoon characters is having longer lashes, and in kids shows, the lashes are a satirical way of signaling that spongebob is biologically female bc it’s a stupid trope of cartoon girls having long lashes. Lol it’s more kid friendly than saying he has a v@gina. Hope i’m making sense and cleared the air. Srry if I offended you.