games list since y'all prolly wont recognize them
favorite game of all time: team fortress 2
best story: subnautica
favorite art style: undertale
"i'll finish it some day.": subnautica
big personal impact: undertale
best combat: final fantasy 7 remake
you like, but everyone hates: gorilla tag
you hate, but everyone likes: pikmin
underrated: cell to singularity - evolution never ends
overrated: minecraft
"Why do I like this?": doki doki literature club
game you always come back to: gorilla tag
that atmosphere: subnaautica: below zero
bad day cure: team fortress 2
favorite protagonist: subnautica
after work (school) relaxation: gorilla tag
biggest letdown: minecraft
"back in the day" game: tetris
"not the best, but having fun": gorilla tag
criminally overlooked: gorilla tag
depressing game: undertale
favorite ACTIVE franchise: team fortress 2
indie pick: helltaker
not usually my thing, but: doki doki literature club