My dumb gay ass couldn’t work the fancy Ninja coffee machine and it just kept despensing hot water and not coffee no matter what I did (even when I did what my foster dads TOLD ME TO DO it didn’t work) so
My very smart brain thought “why don’t you just take the coffee pod out and dump the grounds into hot water”
So I did
I now had coffee ground filled coffee
I got those weird wire flat- strainer looking things?
The coffee wasn’t even going through so that made a mess
My last resort idea was to get a towel, put it over a cup then pour the horrid coffee through the towel, squeeze it out and boom id have coffee!!
It worked
Then made a mess and won’t get out of said towel so I have a towel with coffee grounds f**kin embedded in it now I guess
Then I warmed up milk
I did this BEFORE the coffee disaster
Put cinnamon whipped cream on it and pumpkin spice creamer
Thought that on its own would taste good
So that’s when I added the coffee and now I have
F**kin thing