I once had a two hour conversation with my friend about how many counts of homicide and genocide are in the Bible.
There’s Cain’s murder of Able
The flood, killing at least a couple thousand people, give or take how many descendants one couple can have in 800 years
Lot’s wife, which not sure if that counts because she did just turn to salt
The hundreds of Hebrew children who were thrown into the Nile
The Egyptian Moses killed
The thousands of Egyptians and Hebrews killed in Passover
Pharaohs army that drowned when the Red Sea fell
The rebellious Hebrews who were either eaten by the ground or bitten by snakes in exile (again not sure if that even counts
Aaron’s sons who ran into the Tabernacle and ended falling dead
The thousands of Canaanite’s who died when Jericho fell
The thousands of Philistines and other neighboring peoples that the various Judges in the aptly named book of Judges killed
The thousands of Philistines Saul, Jonathan, and their army killed
David’s murder of Goliath, plus the 200 other Philistines
Saul and Jonathan, who both died to Philistines
David’s murder of Uriah
4 instants of Northern Israel’s king being assassinated
Queen Athaliah’s murder of her husband, son, and hundreds of other descendent of David
And that’s just the first testament.