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Reupload with a few clarifications

495 views 6 upvotes Made by TheBestntUserEver 2 years ago in Role_Play
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Darksoil - quietly sneaks near the one in a cave
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?????: What are you doing here?
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Just walking around
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????: “just walking around?” You’ll be far safer hiding here. I see you’ve already met Ivy and Maple. *she seemed like the only adult present*

Maple: Rose, we don’t know who this dragon is or why we’re here.

Rose: I’ll take it from here. I really don’t believe that story, especially at such a dangerous time.
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Why are you here
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Rose: we’re concerned about you, why are you really here?
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I steal supplies around here
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Rose: you mind elaborating on that? I haven’t seen a dragon like you around Pantala before.
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I am a hybrid
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Rose: I can see that.

*Sumac had arrived and started whispering in Maple’s ear. Ivy tried to listen in*
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*they turn around and head back inside. There might be more than one dragon in there.*
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(They a dragon?)

*they must not of heard you.. it’s pretty dark in the cave, you might need to go in*
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(dragon) goes in
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(What tribe? This could effect the rp)
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*your pinned to the wall by a leafwing/Hivewing hybrid*

???: *somewhat quietly so they don’t get caught, but still intimidating* who are you?!

?????: Ivy calm down.

Ivy: and let this dragon report to Wasp? No.
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I am not working for her
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Ivy: that doesn’t answer my question.

?????: they’re calmer than I thought.
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I am darky
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(hey im back after so long:> and i want to join the rp as well)
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(Ah, sorry for not responding in a while, I’ve just had a lot of chores I need to get done the last few days. Also I forgot your OCs have actually met Swallowtail)

Ivy: thank you, you probably know more about this than we do.

Sumac: pfft, I could find everything myself really.
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(lol its ok)
Bloodworm- well go find it yourself if you are so smart Sumac.
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*Sumac dies eventually find a few items on the list, Ivy only helps because every minute you stay here puts everyone in more danger.*
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Bloodwrom- Are we at least half way done? maybe? hopefully?
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Ivy: *shrugging* maybe.

*while you were gathering some of the supplies*

Sumac: this better not be a trap for Wasp.

Ivy: I hope it isn’t either.

Sumac: *he seems grumpier and more on edge than usual* I’m asking you, is it?

Ivy: how would I know?

Sumac: you’re part Hivewing, can’t you hear what she’s thinking at all?

Ivy: you heard Swallowtail, that’s not how it works.
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Bloodworm- sadly, it would be easier if it did.
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Ivy: exactly, it wouldn’t change much but make it easier for hivewings to communicate directly with Wasp. And even if I could do that, she would have discovered where we hid a long time ago. You know that.

Sumac: I was just wondering if it worked the opposite way.

Ivy: further more, why would I put my mother in danger if I knew it was a trap?

Sumac: you’re part Hivewing, maybe half your brain is allied with Wasp. Maybe the same reason why you left her for dead while she was fighting several hivewings. *he just realized what he said, he cringed*

*now that was too far, Ivy looked like she was about too explode, she shot him a nasty glare*
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Bloodworm- uh how about we find something better to talk about?
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*They both ignored you. By now you had almost everything you could grab, but it looks like they were going to fight*
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Bloodworm- ok good we are almost done, now for the last few things.
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*you all move through the caves as quickly as you could. The Hivewing remained unconscious for a long time, and you could tell Sumac was acting more agitated than normal. What would happen when the Hivewing you brought into the caves woke up?*


Somewhere in dragonfly bay…

Swallowtail couldn’t see, for it would give away their position. Queen Wasp never tried to control him, maybe he was too far off most of Pantala for her, but that’s not likely. Maybe she had more important things to worry about. It was hard to tell when someone was coming to talk to him with the blindfold, but he could still hear their footsteps.

“Swallowtail, are you alright?” It was Autumn. He must not have been looking great for her to ask that, but then again, he wasn’t feeling great either.

“I’m having second thoughts,” he said, “I don’t think I could make a cure for the Breath of Evil…”

“Swallowtail, come on, you’ll do okay.”

“I don’t think we’ll have enough time, and I don’t have the experience… we’ll have to hope Pyrrhia sends help.”

“We could try.”

“At this point, I think it’s best we just hide and wait for help.” He curled up as best he could. Autumn continued to try to comfort him, but it was no use…

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(ooh i like this, the story keeps getting better and better :D)
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*As soon as you all couldn’t carry anymore, you left as quietly as you could, you only left one crate. You began making your way back down the hive and hiding behind buildings to avoid guards, when you make it to the bottom, the guards are still knocked out, and all that stood between you and safety were the greenhouses and the tall grass. Here was the home stretch.*
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Bloodworm- we're so close to safety, I can't wait.
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*you all made it safely to the tall grass, though Rose had to duck because she was tall, you could still see part of the dragonet on her back*

*you hear several guards come down behind you. Maybe they were going for a shift change. It made sense, the moons were about to go down, but it still wasn’t quite day yet. They seemed to be distracted enough with the sleeping guards they didn’t see Rose or the dragonet in the tall grass, Rose lowered herself as low as she could.*

Guard A: *waving a talon in front of one of they’re faces* hello… hello? Yeah, they’re out cold.

Guard B: I don’t blame them, nothing much happens here.

Guard A: let’s get them inside, find them a better place to rest.

*you see the two guards who came to take they’re places drag them and their weapons back inside and behind the doors, they come back out to stand guard like nothing weird had happened*

*you’re now far enough away you can talk without them noticing, you’re almost there*

Maple: must be the usual for them.

Rose: well, it is in the back few hives, I was expecting a little something like Bloodworm hive.

Maple: I was too.

*you all make it safely to the cave, Rose surprisingly stayed hidden the whole time even with the dragonet on her back*
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Bloodworm- I'm surprised that they saw the two sleeping guards as normal.
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Ivy: maybe they aren’t as strict. But more likely they were friends who didn’t want them to get in trouble.
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Bloodworm- fair point.
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*Rose eventually makes it to the cave by crawling. She’s carrying the dragonet in her mouth now trying to be as gentle as possible so they aren’t seen and they don’t get hurt. When she finally makes it to the cave again, she places the Hivewing dragonet back on her back. You all enter the cave. Sumac realizes something.*

Sumac: I might have grabbed the wrong box. I don’t see the stuff Sumac wanted.

Ivy: I’ve only got food.

*you all checked your boxes, the stuff Swallowtail wanted was gone.*

Sumac: I do have a box of medical supplies though.

Maple: that’s actually better, are there bandages in there?

Sumac: I think so.

*Maple sets the crates she took down and managed to find some bandages in his crate. She then wraps some of them around the Hivewing dragonet’s eyes so she can’t see anything when she wakes up*

Maple: better to hide our position for now. *she picked up her boxes again after putting the bandages she didn’t use back*
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Bloodworm- well this is going to get interesting fast.
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Maple: well, we’re not going back to get it. We can’t worry about it now.

Rose: We better move out before they realize we stole some of their food. I don’t think we stole enough for them to notice it but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
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Bloodworm- I agree with Rose.
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Maple: here he is.

*Sumac entered the cave, he doesn’t look like he’s in a great mood*

Maple: what’s going on up there?

Sumac: it’s not great. We’re gonna need to deal with the guards. The other option is we fly part way up the hive and free climb from there, but I thought I saw one or two guards up there.

Ivy: great.. this is gonna be fun. *she said sarcastically* at least we know they’re stretched thin.
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Bloodworm-we got some info which is a benefit...kinda.
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Sumac: *Sumac nods* you’re welcome.

Maple: hang on I have an idea. *she starts looking through a bag she was carrying* come on where is it.. ah ha. *she pulled out a cape that matched her scales*

Ivy: where did you get that?

Maple: Jade’s father bought one while I was hiding, waiting for Jade at Jewel hive. I used it to infiltrate Bloodworm Hive to get her sister, Autumn, out.

Rose; I see what you’re saying, Maple. You’re going to walk up to them and use the flower (forgot what it was called) to put them to sleep temporarily?

Maple; exactly. Or Ivy could do it, she’s the smallest one here and the cape can cover her wings completely.

Ivy: I’ll do more than that if I get up there.

Rose: Ivy, remember, we can’t kill them if we’re going to continue stealing food from them. Besides, those guards have families too.

Ivy: I won’t, mom.

Maple: I’ll do it. Ivy can paralyze them after to make sure they don’t try anything. They’ll increase security after we do this anyways, and probably accelerate how fast wasp takes complete control of the hives.

Rose: hopefully she’ll just force most of the dragons into one or two hives before she tries anything, that way we get the supplies no matter what. It would be very hard to control everyone in separate hives because they have their own groups.

Maple: she’s doing far too well with that already, she definitely won’t do that. We better take as much supplies as we can now because I bet the risk is going to be too bad to get anymore after this.
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Bloodworm- Maple has a very good point.
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Rose: ready to move out?
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Bloodowrm- whenever you guys are ready.
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*you all crept forward, staying low to avoid being seen, once you were closer to the edge, you all stopped, except for Maple who hid behind one of the nearby greenhouses first before approaching the guards to make sure it looked like she was lost. Below was the following exchange, Ivy and Sumac took places to kill the guards the quickest way possible if needed too.*

Guard A: you there! Why are you out here?

Maple: s-sorry, I got lost.

Guard B: you shouldn’t be out right now. There is a curfew in place to make sure we don’t get another Bloodworm situation.

Maple: sorry sir, it won’t happen again. *apologetically*

Guard A: well.. hurry on inside. The queen should be here in a few days. We’re supposed to be rounding up terrorists that are trying to flee the site.

Maple: I actually escaped from there, I’m scared, I hope my family’s ok.

Guard B: oh, poor thing. I hope you might be able to provide some more information for us then. We’re going to have to take you in for questioning now. It’s great you were there, you could really help with our investigation.

*both guards moved to apprehend Maple, as soon as they were close enough, she took out some sort of flower and crushed it, sending dust into both of the guard’s faces. Both of them were knocked out almost instantly. Maple stopped breathing to let the dust settle and moved away from the area to avoid the same fate. Ivy rushed out and stabbed the guards with here wrist stinger to make sure they couldn’t do anything for a few more hours*

Maple: that wasn’t perfectly executed, but that works, forgot what I was going to say.

Ivy: yeah, you have to work in your excuses, but that worked better than I thought it would.

Sumac: let’s just get the supplies before they wake up or they swap in new guards for the rotation.

Rose: compliments later, we have to hurry.
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Bloodworm- agreed, but good work Maple.
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Maple: thanks. *she nods*

*You all hurried inside. You hid behind buildings and avoided patrolling guards pretty well. Eventually you made it to the warehouse district and began looking for where the food was located*

Sumac: *whispering* should we split up? It will reduce our chances of being caught.

Maple: *looking around first, then whispering* they don’t have the guards to patrol this area of the hive and keep a curfew for the silkwings. They have to deal with the downed bridge and it’s homes too. They’ll probably patrol that more as it provides another entrance from the ground.

Rose: we’ll split up once we found the food stores and figure out what we can carry. Two of you could move on to find some of the things Swallowtail requested.
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Bloodworm- sounds like a plan to me.
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*Sumac eventually finds food warehouse, you all hurry inside*

*Sumac and Rose carefully close the door and lock it from the inside without making any noise. There were crates upon crates of food there. Most of it fruits and vegetables, but there was some meat being kept cool in there.*

Rose: we should get at least one crate of either fruits and vegetables. If the need arises, we can use our leafspeak to grow food. We’ll also need to save a few crates for fresh water.

Maple: understood, let’s stack our supplies by the door. That way we can pick them all up on the way out.

Rose: we should form groups now and split up now. Well the other group should meet us back here when they’re done. Remember, keep the nonessential supplies light.

Ivy: alright, who’s with me?

*Maple was about to speak but she was cut off*

Sumac: I’ll go I guess

Ivy: … fine *she doesn’t sound too happy about it*. Bloodworm can join whatever group they want to.
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Bloodworm- I can come with you Ivy.
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Ivy: alright then.

Rose: here’s the list of what Swallowtail wanted. Try to find an open crate and fit it all in there.

Ivy: got it. Let’s go Sumac and Bloodworm, we’ve got a job to do.

Sumac: *right behind you.

*Ivy and Sumac exit through an open window carefully so you don’t have to open and close the door again and make more noise. You began to sneak around the warehouses again*
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Bloodworm- why do these warehouses all smell weird?
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Ivy: *quietly* I wouldn’t know.

Sumac: *quietly as well* we grew up in the jungle, all of the hives smell weird to us. I don’t know what’s normal and what isn’t.

*the three of you make your way around the warehouses, though surprisingly there weren’t any patrolling hivewings. You think you find a warehouse that contained a lot of the stuff on the list*

Sumac: *whispered* let’s do this quickly, I don’t like it here.

Ivy: *whispering back* you think I like this any more than you do?

*you entered through the window again, carefully sliding it to the side and sliding it back once you were all in*
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Bloodworm- alright, lets get to gathering and make this quick.
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*Ivy’s looking at the list, she seems like she doesn’t know what some of it is*

Ivy: I hope they have everything labeled in here. I can’t tell if some of these are ingredients or tools he needed.

Sumac: it’s hivewings, of course they would. You would know.

Ivy: shut up and let’s get this over with.
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Bloodworm- Just about all hivewings label everything.
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*Sumac found an empty crate and grabbed it while you and Ivy read over the list. Some of it was chemicals you might not have recognized the names too, others were appliances you might find in an upscale school lab, probably a Hivewing one. Who was Swallowtail and how did he know about any of this?*

Ivy: let’s start with whatever the hardware is, I can tell some of the funky names whatever ingredients he needed but I don’t know what they would be for.

Sumac: well you’re part Hivewing, figure it out.

*Ivy looks crossed but she knows she shouldn’t fight with him now*
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Bloodworm- I know a few of these but not a lot, but its at least some.
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(Sure! Which pov would you like to join?)
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(pov 1 please :>)
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(Do you want to start in the field or the cave?)
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(whichever you prefer)
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(Alright, I’ll start you in the cave..)

*Sumac went to scout out the entrance. Everyone else remained in the cave waiting for him to come back. Ivy, Maple, and Rose were with you.*
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Bloodworm- this will get quite interesting.
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Rose: yeah, a Hivewing raiding a hive. *she laughs to herself* I don’t think that’s ever happened before.
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Bloodworm- nope, so lets make it apart of history!
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*Rose chuckles*

Rose: I like the enthusiasm, but we’ll need the be very quiet with this one.

Ivy: Sumac should be back any minute. The Sun’s almost down.
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Bloodworm- I see, I'm ready for whatever is going to unfold.
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Sumac: alright..

*you searched the warehouse but couldn’t find some of the remaining items*

Ivy: *angrily* whatever, time to go.
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Bloodworm- alright then, lets get out of here.
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Ivy: *she turns around with the crate in her talons* I agree. Let’s move out before we get caught, but I guess you wouldn’t really care if I were to suddenly get taken by Wasp, do you?

*Sumac stayed silent, you all climbed out of the window, Ivy went first and kept the crate balanced on the window. Sumac grabbed the crate on his way out. You followed them out. Looks like he regrets what he said.*

*you heard talking near one of the food warehouses and entered one to hide in as carefully as possible. Luckily they didn’t hear you. Ivy pressed her ear to the wall to listen.*
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Bloodworm- what are they saying?
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Ivy: shh… … Someone’s coming. Quick, hide.

*Sumac wasn’t quick enough, he was caught right as the door opened. It was a lone hivewing dragonet around Ivy’s age. The Hivewing stood there paralyzed and afraid. Sumac took a step towards them but Ivy was already near them on the door side and Ivy quickly knocked the dragonet out.*

Ivy: you’re welcome, now let’s go before we’re caught.

*she picked up the dragonet as best she could and started moving in the direction of the warehouse the three of you started from while the two of you closed the door as quietly as possible. There was a crate of medical supplies that the dragonet had dropped outside to open the door.*
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Bloodworm- I guess that dragonet was a medic or a nurse.
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Sumac: let’s take the box she left.
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Bloodworm- yeah. *picks up the box*
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*You both reach Ivy, who sets the dragonet down as gently as she could before helping to open the door, the three of you rush in with Ivy dragging the dragonet and closing the door behind you quietly*

Maple: what the—

Ivy: I have a test subject for Swallowtail, it’s a long story.

Maple: okay then.

Rose: we can’t leave them here anyways. It will make it much harder to steal supplies in the future. Further more, they could get hurt.

Sumac: I would prefer we kill them but Ivy’s idea sounds better.

Rose: alright, I’ll grab the dragonet and carry as much as I can. The rest of you start grabbing crates, the food takes priority.
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Bloodworm- Alright.
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