Meanwhile in an undiscovered cave in the multiverse, a familar creature feels Apex's call to awaken. The Consumer reawakes after some time after the Tyrant's attacks on the Citadel. The Consumer exits the cave and soon arrives to the outer rim of the multiverse and encounters Apex. Apex makes a signal that communicate with the Consumer to go to a certain universe. The Consumer soon enters an Inkversian planet of Zaumia. The new order capital ship in Earth(1nk) was destroyed and soon the Venator S1s started to go to planet Zaumia where the Consumer was. The Capital ships made it into the planet's atmosphere when the Consumer noticed the Capital ships and started to chase after them. The Consumer soon took down the two Capital ships with barely any scratches. Meanwhile Apex saw this and he smirked.
"Alright... this Consumer of Galaxies isn't half bad" Apex said
"So should we use the Consumer of Galaxies and our capital ships?" A bodyguard said
"Yes that's exactly it" Apex said
Meanwhile Hakai, Rizu, Astra, and Collector were back watching TV only to see what Apex is going to do when the news Suddenly flashed on.
"Alright let's see what Apex did now" Hakai said
The news turned the Zaumia being destroyed by the Consumer of Galaxies.
"I-is that the Consumer of Galaxies!?!" Hakai gasped
"Yeah... I heard it was used in the attacks on the Citadel against the Tyrant" Astra said
"It fought the Limitless Devourer but I can see it evolved a new form" Collector said
"I feel like Apex is using this Consumer to destroy cities" Rizu said
Hakai, Astra, and Collector looked at Rizu with confusion and brilliance.