Rizu stared at Apex angrily.
"Ah I'm sorry!" Apex said
"Oh really now you are sorry!" Hakai said
"Yeah... I was blinded by my love you" Apex said
"Just never do that again" Hakai said to Apex
"Got it" Apex said
Apex left the restaurant and returned to his capital ship. Soon the party ended and they went to sleep. 2 normal days later they went to check the news and they saw Apex was on the talk show.
"Ugh can we change the channel?" Rizu said
"No it may be important" Hakai said
"What caused you go become so popular on social media!?!" The talk show host said
"I had an encounter with Hakai... my encounter wasn't that great but at least I had an encounter with her!" Apex said
"Wow that's awesome!" The host said
"Now for the actual reason I came here!" Apex said as he pulled out an remote and pointed it to the show tv
The TV turned on and it showed a new captial ship.
"That's a captial ship" The Talk show host said
"Not just any capital ship, it's the new order captial ship" Apex said
"New order?" The talk host said
"Oh I forgot to say, the New order is here to protect!" Apex said
"How do you think Stickmania would react to this?" The Talk host said
"They'll be fine with it" Apex said