Don’t get so worked up, Malus…in todays world, if you want to be considered white, just say you are, and it will be!
In todays world, you can be a woman, a guy, a black, a white, a rutabaga! Just identify as one and so shall it be.
BHAGAT SINGH THIND; TAKAO OZAWA; Experts say some South Asians
are, in fact, Caucasians. My English is good, my skin is light. Therefore I should be considered “white.”; U.S. ASSOCIATE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE GEORGE A. SUTHERLAND; Ozawa v. United States, 1922; United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind, 1923; By “white” we meant “Caucasian.” Not you Oriental folk, East Asians. By “Caucasian” we meant “white.” Iceland to Armenia, alright?