Why is there protein in vita gummies though?
Did you drop or go into cardiac arrest?
These can happen in overdoses of heroin and some other drugs (particularly uppers and hallucinogens). Certain combinations are very dangerous and should never be messed with. Drug dealers boost their profits by cutting down the purity of their products and “diluting” the product with different additives like cheap speed, aspirin and rat poison. The vape industry is doing this now.
Drug dealers aren’t really interested in long term survival of their customers, as they’re always finding new customers to become addicts. “The first hit is free” as the saying goes.
The same strategy has been used for all drugs, including the legal drugs of alcohol, tobacco and now vapes (tobacco companies used to hire promo girls to give away individual cigarettes to young men, car races were often targeted- I knew a girl who worked as a model and did this at F1 Grand Prix).