Here's the backstory as to what happened in the AU:
Entry one: Well everything was normal and there wasn't any sight of The Darkness anywhere,
everything seemed to be working as it should.
Entry Two: Once again, everything was normal and no sight of The Darkness.
Entry Three: What's this? Looks like the Imgflip logo seemed a bit glitchy, how strange..
Entry Four: The website seemed a bit glitchy as well..
Entry Five: Looks like the glitching got worse...uh oh...
Entry Six: There appeared to be some sort of black glitchy substance that were on some posts, corrupting them.
Entry Seven: The whole entire website got way glitchier than usual, with some users being fully corrupted by it [and their OCs too, uh oh..]
Entry Eight: The glitching got even worse as time went on..
Entry Nine: A ton of users were not in control of their accounts anymore [and you were lucky if you still got control of your own account]
Entry Ten: Streams were also being fully corrupted
And that's the entire backstory of how it happened