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Do you want "bad" endings next

Do you want "bad" endings next | The bossfights game "good" endings; Free bird | image tagged in ghostie announcement template thanks pearlfan23 | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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Nameless Prince's ending

The Nameless prince had pulled their blade out of Wymar. The Nameless prince had soon walked back to their bonfire and rested there. The next day, hakai was above the Nameless prince.

"Huh?" The Nameless prince grunted

"Sorry for the rude awakening!" Hakai said

The Nameless prince got up and immediately saw an purple crystal on her forehead.

"Are you here to kill me!?!" The Nameless prince said

"N-no I'm not" Hakai nervously said

"Your tone says it all" Nameless prince said

"Don't be stubborn" Hakai said

"I'm being truthful" The Nameless prince said

"F**K" Hakai said as she quickly unsheathed Universal end

The Nameless prince saw the bonfire extinguish and quickly unsheathed the Nameless greatsword. Hakai swung universal end at the Prince, the Prince quickly rolled out of the way but the Nameless prince was suddenly stabbed in thr back mid roll.

"AAH" The Nameless prince groaned

"Do you know how stupid you Soulsborn are doing that" Hakai said

"It should've worked that time" The Nameless prince groaned

"This isn't the souls world" Hakai scolded

The Nameless prince saw the bonfire light up a bit more. In an spark of hope the Nameless prince quickly kicked Hakai off of him and limped to the bonfire. Hakai saw the prince going to the bonfire and slashed the Universal end at it. The sword created a shockwave that went toward the bonfire. The Nameless prince limped closer to the bonfire, the shockwave got to the bonfire first, destroying it. The bonfire exploded and a shockwave hit the Nameless prince, the Nameless prince fell to the ground.

"No... the first flame" the Nameless prince fearfully said

"He's mortal now" Hakai terrifyingly said

The Nameless prince drank an flask and quickly got back up for one last fight. The Nameless prince charged at Hakai but she dodged out of the way, the Nameless prince hit a wall and fell to the ground. Hakai walked to the Nameless prince, took their helmet off, and cut their head off.
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Now I wanna make an ending lol
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Taya's ending:

Taya: it took a lot of hassle, bit I finally got that box you needed!

Creator's Bladesmith: good work, apprentice.

*he opens the box*

CB: yes!

*pulls out a bar of chocolate*

Taya: wait... you're telling me I went on that whole quest for a crate of CHOCOLATE BARS?!?!

CB: not just any chocolate bars. This is the strongest chocolate in the multiverse. I plan to craft some weapons for the Army of Saltu.

Taya: oh OK
0 ups, 1y
Blud got the strongest chocolate
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(you could faintly hear denny screaming)
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Great story!
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I'm thinking of trying to make a bossfights game on Scratch about Taya's quest
0 ups, 12mo
The PART 1 ending:
A “metal gear” like cutscene would play, Wymar would be running up Mr T arm, trying to get to his neck, the player would have to button mash to get up, but they would be pushed down, then in a final effort, the player has to aim Wymars axe and throw it at Mr Ts heart, killing him, but escaping the outer brinks the second you do, just then, you see his body and get a T CLASS KEYCARD, which will open up the portal generation room, inside their, wymar suits up and jumps in, setting the portal to the future, later, (2 hours after entering) a cutscene plays except this time, the hunter, with his pistol and knife, jump into the portal as well

(End of part 1)
0 ups, 1y
Zhando's ending

Zhando, after have stopping the Rägnarok in the universe, had decided to go on to his porch looking at the wildlife. After some time looking at the natural beauty, Zhando goes to sleep. The next day things go well, Zhando is awarded as an hero, and Zhando's son even thinks of Zhando as an hero as well. Midway through the day, Zhando and his son hear an unusual amount of lightning strikes occur, Zhando quickly draws his axe out and heads outside. Zhando sees an feminine figure in the lightning.

"Who are you!?!" Zhando shouted

"WHO ARE YOU" Zhando shouted louder

"Can I come in" the feminine figure were

Zhando, Zhando's son, and the feminine figure were in the house, the feminine figure had a crystal on her forehead. Zhando was very much concerned at the crystal.

"Excuse me ma'am, why do you have a crystal on your forehead" Zhando said

"Are you questioning a woman of her looks" Hakai said

Before Hakai and Zhando could argue any further, the door was knocked on again, Both Zhando and Hakai quickly turned to the door.

"Who's going to open the door" Zhando's son said

"Ladies first obviously" Hakai said

Zhando got up and started walking to the door, Hakai angrily ran to the door. As Zhando was about to grab the door handle, Hakai grabbed it, and opened the door.

"Teenagers..." Zhando groaned

In front of Hakai was a big robotic being

"Ah, master!" Hakai said

"Thank you Hakai" the robotic being said

"Y-your welcome master!" Hakai said

"Who the heck are you!?!" Zhando said

"I am Exo and this is Hakai" The Exotic creator said as it put it's hand on Hakai's head.

"Well now that I know your names, I am Zhando" Zhando said

"Isn't Zhando Chinese for warrior!" Hakai said

"Isn't Hakai Japanese for destruction" Zhando said

"I don't know why Exo called me Hakai... I thought Aiko is better" Hakai said

"Do you want me to call you Aiko" the Exotic creator said

"Please" Hakai said

"Okay Aiko" The Exotic creator said

"Why have you come" Zhando said

"We want you to do to solve a... god problem for us" The Exotic creator said

"Pwease!" Hakai said

Zhando had stayed quiet, he was thinking about what he should say.

"No" Zhando said

The Exotic creator sighed, it started to walk out of the building when it whispered to Hakai.

"Don't take all day"

"It's about time" Hakai said

Hakai's forehead glowed purple and suddenly Hakai had punched Zhando through the building roof.
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Wymar's ending

Wymar had stuck the Tyrant's greataxe into the Collector's head, killing him. Suddenly a portal between reality opened, Edgyhead had came out of the portal and he wanted to challenge Wymar. Wymar healed herself quickly and then was up for the challenge. Edgyhead tried to bash Wymar but she quickly swung the Tyrant's greataxe into Edgyhead's head. The greataxe went through Edgy's head killing him. She had now done it... she had avenged her tribe by killing off the gods and higher beings... but Wymar started to question her actions.

"Killing my family... The gods... and even the savior of the multiverse... why did I even think of that!?!" Wymar questioned

She suddenly heard metal hitting the floor in a footstep manner.

"You served us well" The Exotic creator said

The Exotic creator walked to the reality ruby and the Crystal of Creation. It picked the crystals up and walked away.

"Wait!" Wymar said but it was too late

Some days later, Wymar had gotten very little sleep, she hadn't ate, and hasn't stopped crying.

"WHY ME WHY" Wymar cried

Soon an feminine figure walked up to Wymar

"W-what do you want" Wymar cried

"To help you!" The female said

"What's your name..." Wymar said

"Hakai!" Hakai said

"Well... can you help me stop crying" Wymar said

Wymar noticed an purple crystal on Hakai's forehead but Wymar didn't care about that in the moment. After a few weeks Hakai had emotionally supported Wymar. Wymar was about to hug Hakai when Hakai suddenly stabbed Wymar with the sword of perma-death

"H-haki... why" Wymar said

"You killed everyone, YOU DESERVED THIS" Hakai scolded Wymar

Hakai pulled the blade out of Wymar and watced as Wymar kneeled to the ground and bleed out. Wymar didn't respawn afterward.
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This is good
But this is not how the fight between EdgyHead and Wymar would start or go.
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Thanks I guess. But I had to cut the battle between Wymar and Edgyhead short because people would be saying TL:DR if I didn't cut it short
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Mind if I make my own EdgyHead ending?
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Let me guess. In this ending Edgyhead kills everyone
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Here's what happens to Wymar:
After a long fight with EdgyHead, Edgy is on his knees, and he realizes something. The Ruby shows Edgy visions of all the possible outcomes of his fight with Wymar. There are only 1 or 2 where he wins, and neither of them of very likely. He realizes that in order to have a chance at winning, he must use the Rubies full power. There's a flash of light, and the Reality Ravager takes form. The Ravager shows Wymar horrifying visions and captures her while she's in shock. He tosses her into the Games Masters cage and tells him to go wild. Wymar breaks from her state of shock, and Wymar has an intense battle with Games Master. In the end, Games Master dies, without a single regret in his actions. EdgyHead watches the whole fight, and sees how powerful Wymar truly is. He decides, that she is to powerful for even him to beat, and there is only one way she can be stopped.

EdgyHead leaves.

EdgyHead leaves her in Games Masters old cage to die. No matter how much Wymar tried, she couldn't escape. She was stuck there, until the end of time.

(At this point in the game, the player is stuck permanently, and the only way out it to reset the whole game)
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The "Endless Insanity" Ending.

Wymar had killed everyone in the timeline. It was a dead wasteland. Not even Exotic Creator or Hakai had survived Wymars wave of destruction. Wymar had even destroyed being from other timelines. Wymar was searching Exotic Creators lab, when she found a key. It was Red and gem-like. She knew what is was for. She found a dimensional diamond, and found the Reality Palace. She had been wondering how to get inside, and nothing she did would break the lock. She inserted the key, and it unlocked the massive doors. She entered the Palace and was greeted by hundreds of cats. Wymar walked past them, she knew what she needed to do. Some of the servants made by the Reality Ruby tried to stop Wymar, but to no avail. They were all shattered, just like rubies. First, she reached Starved Eggyhead. She crushed his shell and scrambled his insides. Second, she made her way to Egg-alomaniac. He knew he couldn't win and left before they even started fighting. Eventually, she reached the throne room, and her final two opponents stood in front of her.

EdgyHead and the Reality Empress.
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The two stood up and drew their weapons. They knew to not waste their breath. They engaged in an incredibly intense and lengthy battle. Blades clashed, armor was brutally shattered, injuries were inflicted. After a long time, Wymar was barely alive, Reality Empress was barely conscious, and EdgyHead was sweating bullets, with large cracks and dents in his armor. EdgyHead took a deep breath and focused, he used to Reality Ruby to fix his armor. Wymar noticed this and took advantage of EdgyHead being distracted.

Wymar slashed at her target and-

Reality Empress 401s head was sliced clean off.

EdgyHead finished repairing his armor the exact same moment he saw his wife get decapitated. He was shocked. He was scarred. But most of all...

EdgyHead was pissed.

EdgyHead lunged forward and crushed Wymars head. Wymar came back. EdgyHead snapped Wymar in half. Wymar came back. EdgyHead broke and twisted every bone in Wymars body.
Wymar came back. EdgyHead killed Wymar thousand of times, in the most painful ways possible.

Wymar came back.

Wymar would constantly rewind time, the instant before death. Each and every time. The Ruby has gotten tired of the loop and told EdgyHead what Wymar had been doing, using her "reset" ability to cheat death. EdgyHead realized that the best way to defeat Wymar, was not by killing her, no.

It was by torturing her with the undescribable pain of loneliness.
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The Reality Ravager took form.

EdgyHead ascended into the air, light cracking around him. The chunk of ground Wymar was standing on broke and slowly lifted into the air. The Reality Ruby was shining bright as a star.

The Ruby-like pieces of the Ravager lifted into the air, and the Reality Ravager built itself around a laughing EdgyHead.

The Reality Ravager finished building itself.
The Ravager and Wymar had a battle too great to be described with words. In the very end, Wymar was living by a thread, and the Ravager had large cracks running across and through it. Wymar lifted the Tyrants Great-axe, and ran towards the Ravager at full speed. Edgyhead, inside the core of the Ravager, grinned. Wymar stopped in her tracks. She tried to force herself to move, but she couldn't. She had seen horrifying flashes of what would happen to her in the far future. She saw herself talking to herself, "It's so cold. It's so cold. It's so cold." Wymar heard her future self say to herself on loop. Wymar had seen and felt the things her future self did. Wymar was in so much shock, she didn't notice the Ravager disassemble. She didn't notice EdgyHead drag her to the basement by her hair. She didn't notice anything, until, she snapped out of it when she felt her head hit the ground of the Games Masters cage.
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The bossfights game "good" endings; Free bird